I just wanted to thank the founders and board members for providing such educational and informative benefits for its members. The fellowship and communication between members and there needs is second to none in my opinion!
obviously no one has picked on Tony yet…
you mean Fresh meat for the wolves ?
Credit goes to InterNACHI’s staffers who just keep delivering for the members: www.nachi.org/whats_new.htm
RUN Anthony RUN
just kidding
Welcome to the board
Under control panel fill in where you are located
This is worth noting also Nick!
Education is InterNACHi’s strong point of course, but our Marketing Department has changed the industry (most notably in the past year) because the work they do makes inspectors money: http://marketing.nachi.org/portfolio/
Shut up Tony.
We do not care about your opinion we already know everything.
Someone had to break his spirit.
Just joking and welcome. There can be some battles here but most will do all they can to help. Best of luck to you
Thanks Nick! We’ve gotten good feedback from home inspectors who started ordering from us throughout the last couple of years and have noticed an increase in business. A few have even had agents comment about how much nicer their marketing materials look than what the other inspectors in their area hand out.
Correct. Unlike other professionals, marketing is especially important to inspectors for two reasons:
First: Real estate agents are in the marketing business. Agents have difficulty distinguishing a good inspector from a bad one… but instantly recognize great marketing and respect it. Marketing is the business they are in.
Second: An inspector’s finished product (the report) is essentially a document, an orderly, well-thought out document. An inspector’s brochure is the preview of that finished product. If your brochure looks like something your wife came up with and printed on your home printer, potential clients are going to infer that the inspection reports you generate are as equally unprofessional.
So your saying that using the same muted colors and pretty much the same looking brochure as all the others makes you stand out?
That’s weird marketing strategy…but ok, your successful at what you do, so I will take your word for it…Not your brochure, but your word…
Tony, listen to nick …good, professional marketing especially your personal appearance and presentation material will set you apart. You don’t get many do overs and that first impression will place an opinion in their heads as to how good… Or not your are… Right or wrong.
Thorough inspection, experienced, great report are all AFTER you get through the gate and the icing… You gotta have the cake first…
Nachi is awesome and by the way…" Was that sarcasm in your post""… Lol —welcome