Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I guess I don’t understand the purpose? Do you want to find out what we don’t know or what we do know?
Hard doing these because when all the arguing is over, you never know what’s really wrong in the picture! Can’t ya just tell us your opinion and we can discuss it?
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Joe T,
That would entirely depend on what materials were used to install it. They do make round covers with knockouts and assuming they used the correct connector for the Greenfield or MC, I can not think of anything that would be wrong with this installation.
Originally Posted By: jtedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I can not think of anything that would be wrong with this installation.
I will add that the "extension" is from the cover of a "concealed" box.
It would not be fair to the rest of the members of this public and open forum if I answered my own questions.
I know the answer, and maybe some others know the answer also, but it seems that some HI's here do not know the answer, so that's the purpose of these types of questions.
Once you find out what I have in mind, you will never forget the defect!
How many of these types of installations have gone unnoticed by a HI?
Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
These are excellent questions you post. Why don't you add to the Question of the Day area, and post the answer the next day. That would give us 24 hours to beat it around, then we'll have the answer.....Whatdyasay?
Originally Posted By: jtedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
A surface extension can be made from the cover of a flush-mounted box where the "cover is designed so it is unlikely to fall off or be removed if its securing means becomes loose."
The wiring method must be flexible for a length sufficient to permit removal of the cover and provide access to the box interior, and arranged so that any bonding or grounding continuity is independent of the connection between the box and cover. (This will maintain the EGC)
Note: The picture shows 8/32 screws that can come loose allowing the cover to fall off!
These are excellent questions you post. Why don't you add to the Question of the Day area, and post the answer the next day. That would give us 24 hours to beat it around, then we'll have the answer.....Whatdyasay?
Sometime soon, I will have a separate place here in the "Members Only Area" where the subject of electrical inspection will be included along with various items related to HI only!
That's where we can take your suggestion and post on one day, and give the answer on the next.
Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Jeez, I just reread my post. Didn’t want it to sound like it did. I now understand that you are creating a QOD of sorts. Just didn’t get the point at first. I do enjoy reading all your knowledge you bring to the board.
Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Excellent Joe!!! I very much look foreward to your challenging questions and answers about the electrical portion of the inspection. And in the members only section, totally cool. Just another reason to be a member.
Originally Posted By: tallen This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I am, was an electrician for 17 years and Joe makes me feel like I learned nothing in all that time.
It's great to have someone like him on this board.
He!! I bet he even scares Bob and Mike   Maybe even Jerry
-- I have put the past behind me,
where , however, it now sits, making rude remarks.
Originally Posted By: jtedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
tallen wrote:
It's great to have someone like him on this board.
He!! I bet he even scares Bob and Mike   Maybe even Jerry
Thank you!
These persons have their own opinions based upon their experiences and we sometimes think the same way, and during other times we disagree, that's the fun we can have when the questions come.
Most of the time we can come up with the same, or similar solutions, since we are all from the electrical industry, and are licensed electricians and certified electrical inspectors.
I have been in this field since 1957 and I am still learning.
I am always willing to help and share my experiences and my library of electrical information ... now if I could only just scan it all!
Anyone who knows me will agree that I have little time for foolishness, and when responding too, or asking questions feel that the time we spend should be appreciated. For me, a simple Thank You Joe makes me feel that I have accomplished something by helping someone! I remain!
Originally Posted By: Bob Badger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
tallen wrote:
He!! I bet he even scares Bob and Mike   Maybe even Jerry
 Scare me?, no Joe T. is not the grim reaper. 
I do respect Joe, his knowledge and dedication.
That does not mean we always see things the same way.
Joe has been very kind to me and has helped me by private email whenever I have asked.
Originally Posted By: jtedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Bob Badger wrote:
tallen wrote:
He!! I bet he even scares Bob and Mike   Maybe even Jerry
 Scare me?, no Joe T. is not the grim reaper. 
I do respect Joe, his knowledge and dedication.
That does not mean we always see things the same way.
Joe has been very kind to me and has helped me by private email whenever I have asked.
He is electrical safety.
Bob: Thanks for the kind words, although I can see where this handle "Grim Reaper" would apply to some who frequent the threads on all of the boards we visit and participate in!
You too are safety minded and are always willing to help with answers and experiences.
Do you have any residential pictures we could pick apart?