I just asked a local nachi member in westmorland conty pa ,if he could help me out getting started in the bussiness and he told me i would have to pay him $50 dollars per inspection with him and he also told me that if i did not have a hundred inspections supervised that i would be getting a letter from the attorney general from pa, wow talk about help from a member,lol Is any one out there can help me out im in pittsburgh pa
He is sensible.
Go outside of your market area and seek some training…not from a competitor. And expect to pay…this is a business, not a charity to help the unemployed find ways to make money.
You asked.
Gee Scott, one post is enough. You don’t need to post the same stuff in all the forums. Those who want will find it.
Though I’d suggest you make your title more informative. You’re more likely to get responses, though you may not like the answer.
ok sorry i ased
INACHI motto:
“Brothers helping brothers compete against brothers”
…The “love you, brother” stuff can only last so long as the field gets filled with quickly and easily “certified” diploma mill members!!!
HMMM…I just took a new NACHI inspector twice on ride along and didnt charge anything even though the going rate is about 125-150.00.
If your already being marketed as an elete “certified HI” thats better than other inspectors to the public, why would you need some one to help you get started in the business ??? :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:
Scott R. Barone
barones pest control
» Scott R. Barone is only about 9.97 miles away from Pittsburgh, PA.
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Scott You will find some good inspectors here and good information. I love the fact that there is alot of talk in here about issues and concerns that face us all. I have been asked in the past years by 3 people to go with me on an inspection that they needed it to complet the course they were taken. I said no problem. Why because even if they work in my town or live next door I am still an Good hearted person and do not see why if i have the chance to help others. @ out of the 3 never did anything and 1 of them has sent me several referalls since then he decided to go into real estate. so yes I would help out and you have to understand business pop up all the time and there is compitition all over. Grow up and help a member out.
The Main reason I hate these message boards are because of the people that are rude and think only of themselves and always bitching about one thing or another. You see the same person over and over again like they are god giving there 2 cents when no one wants it. I wish you the best Scott and if you were here in Florida I would gladly help you out.