Originally Posted By: jremas This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
10) Sacrifices quality for quantity
9) Entrance exam with no proctoring (who knows who takes the test)
An executive director with a unpaid fines from goverment agencies who lost appeals and still refuses to pay.
7) Does not verify member’s can follow the SOP and COE
6) No documented verification of a members past inspection quantity and not notorized.
5) Deceptive to the public by not showing the different levels of members when a search is made. A person can have someone else take the test and send in $289. and he is now a NACHI certified inspector with NO inspection experience! THAT’S ALL!!
4) No structure, owned by one man and no physical office address for anyone to visit. NACHI only exists in cyberspace.
3) There are no bi-laws for members to see and chaos surrounds most decisions by committees that don’t legally exist on papers per any alleged bi-laws.
2) It has become the organization of choice for ease into the industry with no definitive controls to protect the public.
A court decision in the state of Pennsylvania stating that NACHI was not compliant with Pennsylvania Law when the law was enacted (under appeal?)
Unfortunately there are many good inspectors in the organization and many who care and are trying to do the right thing. This organization has potential if it was run in professional manner by the right people. Unfortunately that is not the case.
I cannot belong to an organization like this and because of these issues NACHI has to spend too much time defending itself and is still not widely accepted in the home inspection community.
Say what you want but this is my opinion on this matter which is shared by many from the sidelines and many of those who are the majority of mem bership but the MINORITY of those who are frequent posters on the messageboard but have more say.
I just have the "steadfast resolve" (sound familiar?) to bring this issues to light but I get bashed by the minority posters who are still in line to drink the Koolaid.
Originally Posted By: jremas This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
There are more in front of him if you will get out of the way.
Thanks for letting Joe let me know I can never come back. That is what was in his politcally correct message. He is just smart enough due to his extensive litigation experience (just like you Nickifor) to word things "just right"
Originally Posted By: dharris This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
gromicko wrote:
Jerry Peck is involved in this organization and has straightened out a few messes.
Unfortunately due to a few that were concerned that there was the possibility that this org may have some realistic requirements to join, Jerry and others were not able to straighten the biggest mess of this org
Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
gromicko wrote:
Jerry Peck is involved in this organization and has straightened out a few messes.
If that's the case, then, so far, it can't be done. 
jburkeson wrote:
Jerry Peck he is our man! If Peck cant do it no one can!
Go Peck!
(Not to worry, Joe B., I got the sarcasm. )
I just wish Nick would stop saying I'm "involved" when I'm not. I'm NOT on anything. Trying to fix things by posting messages on this forum does not constitute "being involved".
Besides, there are some NACHI members who would kill me if I ever 'got' on anything.
However, when this is really ready to become a real association, I am ready to ... never mind, Nick stated that would never happen. 
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I think you are referring to when I said that something to the effect that…
The skill set required to run NACHI will probably not be found within the home inspection industry. Running NACHI has nothing to do with home inspections.
Just like the skill set needed to design a football stadium would probably not be found within even the very best football players and coaches.
The architect of a football stadium can't play pro-ball or coach and pro football players and coaches can't draw up the architectural plans for a stadium.
Though the two fields are related, the skill sets barely overlap, and maybe don't even touch.
I'm not saying that my future replacement will not be a home inspector, I'm just saying that it is unlikely in my opinion.
Originally Posted By: Guest This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I'm pretty sure you know this, but there's honor in having become the alpha dog and having all the other dogs gang up on you and expell you from the pack.