Originally Posted By: dfrend This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I still need to figure out what this is. I have not been able to get back out to try and hunt down the builder. It is a blue slightly tack substance that looks kid of like the purple PVC glue in consistency. It is "painted on in the small area of truss shown across the front and back slopes of the garage ONLY. Any ideas? Oh, the house is in the pre-drywall phase.
Originally Posted By: rkulla This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I think the builder did it just to screw with the home inspector!! How has your working relationship been with him so far? I can only imagine he doesn’t like someone looking over his shoulder!!
Originally Posted By: Chris Butler This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
did any of the other subs spray it here instead of on the garage floor or out in the yard where it could have been exposed to the air? I am thinking maybe the plumbing trade. But hey, I’m not an inspector…
is it covering or attempting to cover any cracks if it was the framers?
Originally Posted By: Scott Hope This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Daniel, this is an absolute guess and maybe I shouldn’t put the idea out there, but maybe the trusses for the garage became infected with termites while sitting on the ground. The builder noticed it as they were being put up and hired a termite specialist to spray the infected area. I’ve noticed when trusses are laying on the ground for sometime, termites will get on them. I have never seen anything like that in your picture, and like I said it is just a guess.
Originally Posted By: rkulla This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I think Mr. Peck has it nailed. The roof looks pretty steep. I wonder if they sprayed it down to keep the sheathing from sliding until they could nail it down.
Originally Posted By: dfrend This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thats possible, I guess, as is the termite thing. I would say as a glue it would not make sense because the rest of the mansion had none and the roof is just as steep.