New to the business, looking to perchase inspection software. What is the best for NACHI members?
I think the question is what works best for you and what are you comfortable with. There are several good programs out there - Palm Tech, Porter Valley, 3 D, Borialis.
I use Borialis and like it. I know a lot of inspectors using Porter Valley and 3 D, and they like them. You may need to check them all out and pick the one you like the best.
Is anyone using reporthost? just started looking at it, seems easy to read, but i don’t hear much about it. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. THANKS…
Test them all and see what fits you best
If you are interested in the HomeGauge software email me at I have a copy of it along with the handheld software that is for sale. The license is transferrable. Great software, with great support, I just no longer have a need for it.
Gary,how much are you asking for it?