Where did Winter go?

I’m not sure how it is feeling in the rest of the country this winter but here in Bmore it is quite warm this year. We’ve got a stretch coming up here in the middle of January with temps looking at the mid to upper 60’s.
I like my 4 seasons but it might be just 3 this year…

( no doubt I’ll write this and there will be a blizzard in 2 weeks! )

We’re supposed to have record lows here in Southern California over the next few days. Can you believe that they said that it won’t get higher than the 40’s in Los Angeles over the next few days!! WOW!!

Wow! Do people even have winter clothes there?

I guess in the future we’ll just switch places, Baltimore can be the new SoCal and SoCal can be the new Minneapolis!

Mr.Winter has packed his bags and is heading south. We actually had a short intermission of rain yesterday.

You been having a normal winter up there?

Maybe record highs for south Florida this week

Much warmer than usual and in 1957 I believe it was approx -37 below. Our record high at this time was 4 C and we hit that Yesterday matching the previous record high for this day.
BTW Mr. Witt what are you doing up so early in the morning.:mrgreen:

Hey Kevin, I should ask the same of you! :stuck_out_tongue:
Sometimes I just wake up in the middle of the night and get up for a couple hours to noodle around…

They announced 2012 was the warmest year on record to date, but there is no such thing as global warming…

Nice LOL

Colorado Springs broke their all time high temperature of 68 degrees yesterday.

Mild all this week…:smiley:

7 day weather for Colorado Springs.JPG

A balmy -18 C here ! (-1 F)

To those of you who either live or have lived in the beautiful North.

I get this poem every winter and every winter I love re-reading it. It’s a beautiful poem and very well written.

By Abigail Elizabeth McIntyre.

It’s cold!

The End.

To those of you who either live or have lived in the beautiful North.

I get this poem every winter and every winter I love re-reading it. It’s a beautiful poem and very well written.

By Abigail Elizabeth McIntyre.

S h i t !
It’s cold!

The End


Too many people bought too many carbon credits from Al Gore and caused global warming.

Minus 75 on top of Mount Washington with the wind chill factor.

They had wind gusts of 110 MPH earlier today!

Last 2 days its been about 3 (F), no idea what the wind chill makes it feel like except colder. Today we’re expecting a heat wave it may climb up to 5.