We are looking for inspectors with a taste for adventure (and, this is a stretch, free time on their hands)! We at Whisper Computer Solutions, Inc have developed a new Windows software package called “WhisperReporter” that is capable of handling reporting for just about any kind of inspection including home, commercial, appraisal, phased inspections, WDI, etc. It is a complete package including its own built-in word processor, spellchecker, and PDF generator, among many other features.
WhisperReporter is in its final testing phase for its first release, and what we need most of all is to have as many inspectors as possible take some time to evaluate the product and provide feedback to us. Secondly, although we’ve included a few sample report templates to get you started, we’d like to distribute a whole lot more! If any of you have or know where we can obtain various non-copyrighted report layouts that we could setup within WhisperReporter and distribute for free, we’d love to hear from you (we want to give inspectors as many sample layouts as possible that they can use as-is, or as a starting point to enhance for their own use)!
WhisperReporter contains full layout customization that can be used to create your own report layouts, but we feel it will be helpful to include screencam videos to make the customization easy to master. But to do this we need feedback from inspectors like yourselves to know what content those videos should contain.
We deeply appreciate your time, let us know how we can return the favor!
WhisperReporter is free to use until released, visit http://www.whispersolutions.com/WhisperReporter.htm for more information and to download the software and/or documentation.
Thank you!
Whisper Computer Solutions, Inc.
P.S. while at our site, check out ImageEditLite, a simple freeware image annotation editor to add arrows, boxes and text to jpg images.