Wind Mit Question

Is the complete opening at the front entry in the picture below considered a gable or just the small gables on the left side and above the front entry door? Your thoughts.



The inward facing walls on both sides would also be considered gables

I put gable on the form, but I thought I’d get a few other opinions.
Thanks for the input.

NON-HIP :stuck_out_tongue:

Non-hip for sure



everyone says non-hip without knowing what the rest of the house looks like and doing the math. WTF!

unless the house has a right and left that is 500 feet no need for math. I can tell by the front

Mike your LOGO is a GABLE. I will change it for a HIP and maybe you can get more credit…:slight_smile:

No one can read he asked about a specific part of the house.

“Is the** complete opening at the front entry** in the picture below considered a gable”