Three sides of the roof are hip. This is the fourth side.
Depends on the measurement. If that gable end is greater than 10% of the total roof perimeter, which I am suspecting it is, then it will be marked non hip roof geometry.
The top part of the roof has a hip. Is it enough of a hip to be a hip?
Well…this is where the attic is gonna come into play…it appears the roofline starts about where the poolcage attaches to the dwelling (above the 2 fixed windows), so in the attic, my guess you saw a framed up shear wall with the hip portion resting on the framing and attached there…which would still be a gabled end. Now if the attic portion did not actually start until the hip portion, meaning that whole back wall was an end shear wall and the dwelling had really really high ceilings, then yes, you could say hip. Such fun…
Thanks Glenn. I went with hip because of the vaulted ceilings in that part of the house and CBS up to the hip. The attic started at the base of the hip. Such bs isn’t it.
Block or no block there is a gable on both sides of the center section based on the 1802 form.
I have to agree with John. That not going to fly when the underwriters see the pics and you call it a hip.
I guarantee the architect and builder and bldg official called it a Hip. So if it is sealed by the architect and permitted as a hip, no insurance company or anyone else is going to override them and call it a gable. I’d fight that one to the end of time and I would win.
That photo shows a gable end and if it is more than 10% of the perimeter it is non hip roof geometry.
The hip does slope down to the wall. From the ceiling of the living room up the roof is a hip.
Even if the Gable starts at the block wall it has nothing to do with the calculation as to hip or gable. Is a gable roof that has masonry ends a hip roof? The roof configuration is determined by the amount that is determined by measurement of the corresponding coponents of the exterior perimeter. I have done many inspections where the building department and tax assessors offices had wrong info but two wrongs don’t make it right…neither do three.
good advice.
based on what? I am 2 out of three and not sure I understand.