Originally Posted By: dedwards This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
That appears to be cosmetic to me. If it isn’t affecting the operation of the window I would not write it up but rather point it out to the buyer and tell them to bend it back the way it is suppose to be.
Originally Posted By: away This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Judging by the pictures, it doesn't appear that the plastic strip creates a perfect seal against the window. With that in mind, I would say that any adverse affects would probably be minimal.
In other words, unless the window seals perfectly against that plastic, water, air, etc. will get into that space regardless of the warped area.
Originally Posted By: wpedley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
bsmith wrote:
I would bet that there are screws directly below those bulges that have been over tightened. Or the lower frame is bowed.
I agree with Bill. Although the over-tightened screws are what is holding the trim on. The window is not sealed properly and I would simply write that in the report.
Originally Posted By: mcyr This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Not knowing what the material is, plastic or aluminum, or metal, I would have to guess that that piece is a sill flashing of some sort, but can not understand why the vertical leg is upright just waiting to pick up the elements.
My first thought was that it was installed on an uneven surface and the vertical leg would bow like this wether it is plastic or metal.
I would recommend a Glazing Contractor to further evaluate this problem or potential problem.
No frost over there, so that is one element gone. ha. ha.