Originally Posted By: lmartin This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Dave, Yes ,a fire can happen , years back I had mine in the car , the problem I did at the time was put it face down after having it on , the bulb was still hot ! and burnt my car seat .
It was my fault , not the lamp itself. I should have left the light part up .
Originally Posted By: mjones1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
A friend of mine accidently left one in his truck and the fire department woke him up! The truck was burnt to the ground. I don’t know if it was a vector or not this was a few years ago.
Originally Posted By: anatol polillo This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I just bought one of these yesterday. The directions say not to use the car (DC) charger for more than 3 hours. It also says never leave sport spot unattended during DC charger. Keep us informed as to the results of insurance investigation.
Originally Posted By: dhartke This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have one of these only it’s 2,000,000 candle power and a different brand. Most of the time when I charge it at home it’s sitting on top of my parts cleaner. Yes, 10 gallons of flammable liquid!
Thanks for the warning. Maybe you have broken the string. My daughter got busted for DUI last month. My mother had cancer surgery last week. Somebody shot my dog today. Things can always be worse.
The good news is, I'll be going back to work soon.
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The directions say not to use the car (DC) charger for more than 3 hours. It also says never leave sport spot unattended during DC charger
I'm glad someone is reading the directions. I didn't think I had to read the directions to operating a simple "push button" spotlight. And I am not about to sit there and watch my spotlight charge for two hours. Thanks for the info.
My suggestion....Charge this light while traveling only. Do not (I repeat) Do not charge this spotlight in your house.

Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
No updates yet as far as this particular spotlight goes. I?m just bringing this thread back on top to make sure everyone views this message. This spotlight is very dangerous and a potential fire hazard, if overcharged.
I just picked up a 2,000,000 candlelight spotlight that advertises that it will take a 10 hour charge. The Vector 1,000,000 candlelight cautions on a 3 hour charge. Not good.
Originally Posted By: anatol polillo This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I believe the issue here is the DC charger. After reading the directions (again), it says charge using the AC charger for 20 hours before first use. I did that. I have since charged it after use, for 12 hrs. using the AC charger. No excessive heat noticed.
I was not really happy with the duration of use. It lasted 2 inspections, 2 days apart with no charge in between. I did use it quite a bit in the attic of a 80 year old house. K&T wiring covered with insulation and flooring. The circuts were still being used.
I will only use the DC charger if I am in the truck and can monitor it. It would be interesting to see how many amps it is drawing on a DC charge.
Originally Posted By: wwarner This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
To all,
Vector manufactures these for many distributers who in turn place their own lable and/or logo on them. CarQuest is one of them and I'm sure there are others. I've never been a big fan of Vector products and they are many. Everything I've owned from them has either fallen apart or malfunctioned prematurely. (I've had to buy for the immediate need)
Read the "manufactured for....by Vector" lable carefully. Usually in small print on the back of the lable.
Vector is BIG in the inexpensive (cheap, cheap, cheap) 12 volt accessory products, as well as automotive battery chargers and jumpers.
I guess we get what we pay for!
Originally Posted By: phughes This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I find that I prefer to use a streamlight flashlight. They are very reliable very bright and with the slim line design I hang it from my belt. I know, a lot of people think that looks hokey but, what the heck.
Originally Posted By: jonofrey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks David,
I use this light and recharge it in my house overnight. Not any more. The light won't last through three inspections in a day but the damn thing sure throws a beam!
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Vector Manufacturing has reimbursed me for all fire damage costs that it took to repair my vehicle. I?m completely satisfied with their reaction.
I still refuse to purchase this spotlight again. And everyone who owns a 1000,000 candlelight spotlight should not charge their spotlights while unattended.

Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Son of a B&**!!! That’s the same light I own…I use it for duckhunting. I plugged it into my boat recepticle to charge and it fried the system…melted wires and the whole shebang!!! I had assumed I had crossed wires somewhere.