They are re-nailing to comply with the new wind codes.
1/2 x 2in. crown staples are for fasting the sheathing. the staples have more holding strength than a 6D nail.
It it’s a go over that would account for only a 1 1/2 showing instead of 2 inch measurement .
I’d give it a code compliant 8D.
Correct. So when they re nailed wouldn’t they have had to re nailed over the existing shingles since they were never removed, which is why I’m thinking that would account for only 1 1/2 showing rather than 2 inches ?
Just how thick are shingles in Florida???
Going thru the singles and the new metal roof JJ.
This is why I gave the either or answer. I can’t imagine one layer of shingles being thicker than 1/8" max It’s either 2 layers of shingles or 6d nail.
Could someone explain to me how you are suppose to nail through a metal roof, through a layer of roofing, a layer of plywood and expect to hit the roof trusses?
The metal is screwed in, where are the nails?
I must be missing something here.
Marcel they are re-nailing thru the shingles and plywood only. The metal is screwed down over the shingles after re-nailing.
8d nails do come in 2" and 2 1/2" lengths, even if it’s a ring shank. The plywood sheathing is more than likely 15/32 commonly sold and labeled 1/2". Simple math…
Oh ok I see now what you meant. Well thank you guys for all your feedback highly appreciated !
When you look at the nail next to the staple that should tell you with out question that is a #6d nail, Remember shingles are thicker than metal roof - SOOOOOO - it has to be at least 2 inches to be a #8d nail
Kevin Boutwell - CMI
Boutwell Home inspection LLC.
Ocala, Fl.
Yep… … …
Yep… … …
Welcome to our forum, Kevin!..Enjoy!
When I was saying 2 inches I ment into and past roof decking Not total. I’m sorry if I didn’t explain it right
You did fine, Kevin…
in one of the courses, there is a picture that shows someone using roofing nails on Slotted clips. what would be the correct nails for Slotter clips?
What the hell are those? No results from Google (even if mispelled).