Ask the electrician if his kids or grandkids were playing in the yard, and they opened the cover, would he be comfortable with them sticking their hands in there and grabbing the wires.
There is no “interior” cover in an electrical panel, but the dead front is secured by screws. In this case there is an exterior cover, but it is not secured.
Whether it is “required” or not, seems to me to be a moot point. It isn’t safe. He can fix it, or not. That’s between he and your client. I would tell him, and the client it’s not safe, and then let them work out the rest.
The condutors that are feeding the AC equipment do not appear to be in conduit.
Rightfully or wrongly I thought that electric wire exposed to potiental danger to cutting or knicking (weed wacker) are required to be protected ie in conduit
UF cable is to be installed according to part II and III of Article 334 (NM cable). Where subject to physical damage they’re required to be protected. Subject to physical damage is a judgment call since it’s not defined in the NEC.
David, if you’re referring to me, I simply said I don’t like them. Meaning I would choose not to buy one when I could buy one with a full dead front cover instead. I would guess that this type is a few cents cheaper. There is nothing wrong with it from a code or protection standpoint, however.