Access to houses with Supra keys or the lIke?

Which MLS organizations around America give access to houses in the likes of a supra key or other systems to home inspectors? I am trying to get a list of the MLS’S that provide this to home inspectors. For example. The NWMLS does not let home inspectors acquire access on their own. But in the same state the SMLS. (Spokane) does by letting the join their organization. Can you please shout out if you neck of the woods does alow this. Trying to collect Data.

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Wow, that is going to be an impressive task to accomplish.


Well, nothing better to do if in retirement I guess!


MAR allows it.

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For what purpose? What value will this data collection have and to who?

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My guess is that the OP is trying to convince his local association to allow Supra access for inspectors. I’m surprised they all don’t. It makes their life much easier (and ours).

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Realtor Alliance of Greater Cincinnati allows inspectors that are affiliate members to have access to SentriLock, and before that Supra.


Yes it does but what is done in one location typically doesn’t matter to another. Here in Texas some RE Associations allow SupraKeys to Inspectors and others do not. Some allow RE level access and others only Associate level access (need keybox code). So it really plays little in their thinking of whether to allow it or not.

I have access in Chattanooga and surrounding areas, for a price, of course.


I have Supra access and I bought it for two of my employees. It costs me $1200/year plus $48/month for three memberships in our local realtor’s Assoc.


How much does each agent chip in for doing their jobs for them?

Yes, I am building up ammunition to develop a letter to the NWMLS during a board meeting to bring knowledge of the subject to members of the NWMLS so that when they do vote on it, it has been talked about plenty. After 17 yrs of inspecting in this state of Washington I think its time for them to change this rule. The majority of Realtors and Inspectors I talk to would like to see this happen. Currently there are Inspectors in out state who are also Realestate agaents who do it anyways and a large portion of our state does alow it.

We enjoy the flexibility of letting ourselves into the house and not having to see the realtors or match up schedules. It makes my life a lot simpler having my own access and not having to make calls and arrangements to get my guys in to work.
I do it for me, not the agents.

I consider it a bonus that the agents also prefer an inspector who has their own access to homes because it allows them to stay home and take a nap. that translates into more jobs coming my way from top agents who prefer to work with us.

Its a cost of doing (more) business.


I am not retired Yet. I think I got 5 more years,

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< fingers crossed > :wink:

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