Aquiring lock box key

Hi all,

How do I go about acquiring a Supra lock box key. I remember reading a thread awhile back about how NACHI members in Georgia were now able to access a key but there was never any follow-up discussion on this topic. Any help on what to join, who to pay and what to provide would greatly be appreciated.

On an additional note, it’s amazing to me how some realtors don’t want to do there job and open a house. They would rather come at the end because they are " So Busy". For the thousands of dollars in commision they make , a little professional courtesy wouldn’t be a bad thing. Just had to vent.

I personally don’t agree with lock box access. Why? Because if you are given the access number along with that comes liability. If you are accessing the home without any agent present or presence of homeowner you are leaving yourself open for problems. I think the best way is to let the realtor open up the house. Up in my parts agents are required to be in attendance, it is no longer permissable to leave the house unattended while third parties are present, fwiw.

Try joining your local Realtors Association

Louis…here’s the thread where Atlanta area lockbox access was discussed. See if it helps you. . In general, if Atlanta is setup like my area, you will pay a fee to join the local Board of Realtors as an associate or affiliate member then you will lease the small Supra keypad. Some but not all Realtor associations will require their affiliate members to obtain the “CBS” code from the listing agent prior to accessing the home. That’s usually no big deal, just a call to the listing agent to get that 7 digit code to put into your Supra keypad for that particular house. I use my Supra key 2-3 times per week and would not want to live without it. I actually prefer not having the listing agent at the inspection and I don’t really care if the Buyer’s agent is there or not.

It’s a great benefit it you can use the key and gain access with a simple PIN. However, some areas implement a 2nd level of security (called a CBS code) that requires you to get the code from the listing agent. Most of them don’t know how to spell CBS. It’s a Royal pain and not worth it if your association requires home inspectors to use a CBS code.

If you get the same access as a Realtor, however, it’s well worth it as a marketing tool (agents will love not having to meet you at 9:00 a.m.) It may cost you > $500 to join and get the key, but 2 inspections pay for it.

Some associations can configure PDA’s to act as a Supra key, so if you already have one of those, inquire about it.

So who is assuming the liability the minute you use the key to enter an unoccuppied residence?

Its the occupied homes that carry the most liability. The person entering assumes the liability. If you have key access you should be bonded and have GL insurance too.

I don’t understand why the Real Estate company would allow this, and they would be assuming liability as well, big time, whether insured or not, or whether inspector is insured. Anything could be claimed by a vendor, who can defend themselves if there are no witnesses? :frowning:

I agree with Raymond, that access with a SUPRA key is not a good idea for inspectors. There is the liability issue, of course, but I suppose that’s what liability insurance is for. There’s the cost, too. And yes, it’s the Realtors job to open the houses.

But I think the main objection is bigger than liability or cost or job descriptions. When you join the local Realtors association, and start using their key, then you are seen as one of them. You lose that image of independence and objectivity.

I’m talking about how clients and others see you. You may still be independent, and you may still be objective, but you’ll have a hard time proving it if you are too closely involved with the Realtors association.

Raymond, here in MO, I probably have an agent at an inspection 1 out of 10 times. Buyer’s are there quite often, but rarely the agents.

They use to give me the lock box to enter, agent would be late in arriving, no clients, no vendors. Even if you are insured, who wants to be accused of stealing? Thats all one needs to ruin a reputation.

My local realty boards have laid down the rules. Agents either listing or purchasers agent to be present to open, attend and close up.

Inspected a house on monday;got a call from the the cops about 3 hours ago wanting to know if I had noticed anything out of place at the home or the work shop out back.Told them no and that the agent and buyers were there and I left before they did.Apparently truck was stolen along with tools from shop some time after the inspection.I do not enter or unlock the resisdence without the agent or home owner present and I’m glad I do not.

Lock box’s are great Ive been using one for over three years now. I like it when I can let myself in and the Realtor shows up when I am done ( I can get more done in the quiet) Also I have a bond and insurance to cover me.
I have only had one thing happen and that was two days ago I went to the home and opened the lock box and here were no keys in it so I called the Buyers agent and told them and they told me that they were there earlier and put the keys in there pocket and they would come back in 15 min…

IMO I would think that by principals of nature that I could not enter someone’s Home without proper Authorization and would most likely inspect the exterior while waiting for the Realestate agent or the Homeowner to let me in.
I would not feel comfortable to enter someone’s premises with a key or not unless the Owner is Privi of what is going on. I would be very delicately carefull with this type of Home Inspection in letting yourself in.


Marcel, the homeowner is always aware of the time and date of my inspection and has previously approved of that. So, I do have the owner’s understanding of the inspection and their permission to enter and perform the inspection. I’m also licensed by the State and governed by the same state agency that oversees Realtors so that seems to allay any fears that the homeowner may have. Again, I wouldn’t want to live without my Suprakey. I just don’t feel the risk or liability, maybe I should, but I don’t. Ahh…different strokes for different folks, I guess.

I’ve had 2 instances where the homeowner left money out in such a conspicuous place that it had to have been left there to intentionally tempt me. I add a nickle to the bills to let them know I’m onto their game.

Thanks for all the great post. I still feel it’s the realtors job to open the house for me to do an inspection. But on the other hand, if I get more grief from realtors about not having a lock box key and find that I am losing business because of it, I think I’ll have to re-evaluate and probably join the board and get he key. I’ll just have to wait and see.
Thanks again.

I had to get approved by FMLS at 5457 Roswell Rd. in Atlanta, then go to Supra in the same office park to sign up for the key. Call them at 404-255-8660 fo details on what you will need to bring. I also had to have a broker vouch for me but my understanding is that NACHI membership may be enough now.

Thanks for the info. I also received your call and will get back to you today.
Thanks again.