Originally Posted By: Phil Avery
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Would like your comments on a comment that was made yesterday.
History, I did another inspection for this Agent approx. 1 mo. ago.
I was going over a report with the Buyers and Agent, Got to the Electrial section and said, Recommend adding AFCI circuit breakers for bedroom outlets for safety, and gave them a copy of the page stating this from the 2002 NEC. The Agent said, We have gone over this before, the last time you made this comment, We checked into this and it's not required !
Both houses were built in 2003.
She stated that the Subdivision was started in 1999, the bill of assurance (I believe that is what she stated, is'nt that what gives all the info re: the subdivision, square footage, how much brick, etc., etc.) said that you did not have to meet this requirement. I stated that I'ts my duty to report on something that is wrong according to the NEC, and that I have no way of knowing what every city, much less every subdivision in every city has for local codes.
In my opnion, there is no freaking way that this could be, is there??? That's bascially saying that if this or that subdivision was started in 1940 and there's one lot left and I buy it today that I only have to meet the 1940's code ? I can't image that this piece of paper does not state to "meet current building codes" unless something is slightly different.
I have a call into the local building inspector, but he's out for a while.
Just wanted to hear other peoples comments. If I'm wrong, I will eat crow, LOL. Just seems strange to me.
UPDATE - Just received a call from the local city inspector. He said that the subdivision was BS, BUT they did not adopt the AFCI being installed at bedroom circuits until 2004. So any house builting in 2004 or later they are required.