[quote="Nick Gromicko, CMI, post:14, topic:240373, full:true, username:gromicko”]
I guess it could be some synthetic underlayment, but because it is black, I’d say it portraying asphalt-saturated felt??? Felt is still very common.
So, the “asphalt-saturated" felt is the final roofing material?…doesn’t make sense to me.
[quote="Larry Kage, CMI, post:2, topic:240373, full:true, username:lkage”]
I would think one would need step flashing, especially with shingles, eh?
It’s not angled up the sidewall. Look at the building wrap. Building wrap is installed horizontally and the image shows it parallel to the counter flashing and flashing, which means the roof/sidewall intersection, counter flashing, and flashing are also all horizontal. I think that’s why the artist gave us the bigger image next to the detailed one in the same graphic.