I’m curious if anyone else uses allinspections.com for their software and are as mad as I am with the change in their service plans. Up till now I have been using them “pay as you go” and it has been working well. All of a sudden, They decide to stop this service and force you into at least 40 dollars a month for their sevice. When I called and spoke to them and advised I was not happy, the rep began to get involved in how I operate my business and it is to my advantage. How dare they insult what intelligence I have. They don’t care about my business. They changed because it was good for their business. It’s not the money for me. I’m one of those guys who doesn’t want another contract or monthly payment. I’ve got enough. It’s the principle and for me unethical. When you have a customer who is satisfied with your product, leave them alone. Change it for new customers. That’s why I appreciate Homegauge. They’ve changed over the years but honored their agreements with prior customers. Now I’m looking for a new android app. If you know one I can use and pay as you go, let me know.
use HIP, and sorry for the inconvenience
I see you guys say use HIP. The problem is I love using Homegauge and don’t want to pay hundreds of dollars just for Mit and 4 point inspections on my tablet.
Ya, it was a surprise to say the least! I was trying it out, mainly on Citizens Roof Certs.
It was easy to use, do the inspection and photos with smartphone app and camera.
At 2.00 per roof inspection it was a good deal. ( convenience wise ).
Now at 40.00 a month, I may just start using PDF and laptop.
I have always had good service when calling and emailing, but like you said a lot of guys are not liking it.
The email I got today said all current $ balances with them will be credited towards monthly service. I can not complain, I received about 60.00 in credits for doing a couple surveys on suggestions about the software few months ago.
Its not going to be a good deal unless you do more 4point and wind mit @4.00 and roof cert @ 2.00 a month than the 40.00 fee.
I hear you. I’m either gonna find someone to write me a program or need another company. the pay as you go was a super way. I feel like allinspections is now like Sprint and AT&T. You’re just the customer, We don’t give a #### about you. Take it or leave it. That’s just no way to do business. You can’t tell me that it was necessary to eliminate the pay as you go plan. It’s all the same program.
Sounds like another fly by night.
I tried when they came out and was not impressed.
If you read through their promo stuff, it is obvious they are gearing things towards multi-inspector companies. Theirs nothing wrong with that…except they may loose a lot of individual inspectors who do not use it daily/
Horizon did the same thing in 2008 and lost me at that point.
I’m on the other side of the world, but I think there are some HG users that have access or have made some forms in FL…?? John or ???
Hey Jeff, not sure if this is what you are looking for but HG V4.4 and newer has Florida Wind Mitigation Form OIR-B1-1802, 4 point, etc templates built in. Also, Android HG is soon to be released (there’s some updates on HG’s message board).
Jeffrey, email me at Dominic@HomeInspectorPro.com for our Wind Mit Android application. Roof cert is almost done as are several other templates.
bestinspector.net. Heritage software and Windsurance also includes roof certs and 4 points. One time price and free upgrades. Great support. Written by a successful home inspector for home inspectors.
How are they running amok? They made a business decision, which you think sucks and your gonna stop using them. I call it attrition, I like it when this happens, weeds out the weak and not wanted.
See they just lost a customer and got some bad publicity…its the world of small business.
ReportHost has monthly plans and also pay as you go. No up front costs and no software to buy. I’m not sure of the different templates you need Check them out.
20 reports a month costs $80 per month. HIP is paid for in 6-8 months at that rate with no money spent after that. Not sure why anyone with even a fair business would want to pay month after month after month. But choice is what makes the world go round…:mrgreen:
I have the xoom and was looking forward to using all inspections, but there was a problem with the signature placement, and after 4 times of being told it will be in the next upgrade Thats just too much. I have Johns form and I am demoing Dom’s as well and I feel much better off
Thanks Guy’s
We’re just getting starting too Bruce. I have a ton in store for you guys and already well under way
Would not get stuck using any software because it is early on the smart phone just yet.
All the major software companies wil have Android and iphone apps at some point soon anyway.
We can struggle with tablets and laptops till then if we wait a few months or so.