Originally Posted By: Ben Gromicko
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A few days ago I received in the mail my ASHI Membership Renewal Dues Statement. It costs $300 to renew as a full member. (that’s fine) icon_confused.gif

Enclosed with it was a Memorandum to all ASHI Members and Candidates. The gist of the letter described all the "great" things ASHI is doing for me (and my business), and a note that it's going to cost me. For the grand privilege of being a member for another year, I'll need to pay an additional $250 dollars (on top of the $300). This extra $250 will allow me to be a member of the ASHI Branding Campaign, called the "ASHI Experience," which they plan to unveil to the world in the next year. What a crock!

Are there any other s#!t out there? Are you thinking about leaving ASHI?

Benjamin John Gromicko
PEACH Inspections

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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Old news. There already exists a thread on this topic at

If you'd visit the board more often you'd know that.

We've been getting about a dozen calls a day and about as many emails from ASHI members like you. We've been getting 2 or 3 ASHI members joining NACHI a day. The first day it hit we had 14 join NACHI. None have to actually quit ASHI although one did. They say they are just not going to renew with ASHI. $550 for nothing.

Visit more often and try to keep up with Joe Myers. He's kicking your butt in the current events category.

![icon_lol.gif](upload://zEgbBCXRskkCTwEux7Bi20ZySza.gif) .


Originally Posted By: ismetaniuk
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This membership was a big waste of my time!


Top To Bottom Inspections

Glen Spey, NY

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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The Candidates without Logo Use Privileges get off easy. Everyone else at ASHI gets banged…$550. This is really going to make ASHI a dumb association… only dummies willing to pay them this much will remain members.

The dumbing down of ASHI begins.


Originally Posted By: ismetaniuk
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This membership was a big waste of my time!


Top To Bottom Inspections

Glen Spey, NY

Originally Posted By: ekartal
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I don’t exactly dislike ASHI, but I feel much more comfortable being a member of NACHI. Everyone seems to understand and help each other.

![icon_smile.gif](upload://b6iczyK1ETUUqRUc4PAkX83GF2O.gif) ![icon_smile.gif](upload://b6iczyK1ETUUqRUc4PAkX83GF2O.gif)

Erol Kartal

Originally Posted By: Marie Guerrieri
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Hi All!

I’m new in this business and I was thinking of joining ASHI, but I have heard a lot of things about them that are making re-think that idea! It seems to me that ASHI has, over the years, influenced many of the people we HIs deal with to think that if a HI does not have the ASHI logo stamped on everything they own they are not “real” or quilified HIs! I think it’s time we change that idea! Why should one society or another dictate the everyone who is or isn’t an honest, skilled and qualified HI! It really bothers me that I have to pay out money to some society just to convince people that I can inspected thier home. Since I’m new at this, can someone tell me…(and I’m sure you will)…what I would get from a HI society that I can’t do for myself? Really, I would like to know because I may be in the dark here. Thanks for your help.


Originally Posted By: rray
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. . .

Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley
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If you are considering A$$HI, you should look at this thread.

There are also other threads that will give you some prospective. Just do a search on A$$HI ![icon_evil.gif](upload://1gvq2wV2azLs27xp71nuhZOKiSI.gif)


Originally Posted By: jhagarty
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Joseph Hagarty

HouseMaster / Main Line, PA

Phone: 610-399-9864
Fax : 610-399-9865

HouseMaster. Home inspections. Done right.

Originally Posted By: ekartal
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Hello Marie and welcome.

I'm rather new myself. Having a sales and marketing background, I can assure you that perhaps the single most important skill we can have in almost any business is the ability to sell ourselves ang get people to like us. Many experienced HI's will tell you that it is a rare event when a client or realtor ever asks about associations.

Erol Kartal

Originally Posted By: ekartal
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Acknowledging Typo.

Was thinking about lunch....


Erol Kartal

Originally Posted By: Tom Logan
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I agree with EK. An association does not make a good home inspector.

Generally speaking a NACHI inspector is no better or worse than an ASHI or NAHI inspector. It is the individual’s talent, professionalism, morality and intelligents that makes or breaks a home inspector.

NACHI ("Use NACHI Inspectors") is making the similar claims as ASHI makes ("Use ASHI Inspectors") time and time again.

Why would anybody think that an ASHI member is better than a NACHI member and visa versa? Same goes for NAHI members.

We should not be labled as ASHI inspectors, NACHI inspectors or NAHI inspectors. Home Inspectors may be MEMBERS of an association not INSPECTOS of an association. Doctors may belong to the AMA, but we do not call them AMA Doctors.

So lets all get on the same sheet of music and not label home inspectors.
Do not loose site of the true reasons for trade associations. They are there for us to access information that we may need to do our jobs.

ASHI has become an Inspection Company. ASHI claims that their home inspectors are the best. ASHI has no idea what the inspector is doing out on a home inspection. How does ASHI know how well there inspectors are doing? They do not.
ASHI stand for $$$$ at all costs.

Can anybody out there truly tell the consumer that NACHI member is better than an ASHI or NAHI member?

If you know how to market your company, and you have a good personality, and you are willing to continually learn, and you care about the consumer you will succeed with or without being a member of an association.

ASHI is on a Brain Washing Campaign(BWC). ASHI will try to convince you that if you are not an ASHI member than you are not a good home inspector.
NACHI is traveling in the same direction.

Stop paying ASHI extortion money and send a message.

Tom Logan

Originally Posted By: ismetaniuk
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This membership was a big waste of my time!


Top To Bottom Inspections

Glen Spey, NY

Originally Posted By: Tom Logan
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1) Many of us have been explaining ASHI's real intentions and motives to agents and attorneys. They are listening to us. We are showing them proof about what ASHI is all about. We have copies of old ASHI inspection reports that shows incompetence.

2) We solicit stories about ASHI members.

3) We are keeping files on ASHI members.

4) We are finally convincing ASHI members not to renew their membership.

ASHI would like to become a fortune 500 company. As we all know, big businesses exist to MAKE MONEY. ASHI will resort to setting up PAC commissions to collect money in order to pay off the politicians.

ASHI members have lied to the states legislatures. We have documentation of these lies.

Many people will call and offer information about ASHI true intentions. The tide is changing. Soon ASHI will be exposed for what they really are.

PS: It is ashame that a hand full of CORRUPT ASHI members can spoil it for the GOOD ASHI members. For all you GOOD ASHI members, please keep up the GOOD work and think hard about leaving the association that is using your membership money to screw you.

Tom Logan

Originally Posted By: jhagarty
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Joseph Hagarty

HouseMaster / Main Line, PA

Phone: 610-399-9864
Fax : 610-399-9865

HouseMaster. Home inspections. Done right.

Originally Posted By: Tom Logan
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There is an ASHI member who owns an inspection company in in New York and who is on the ethics commitee of a well known association. When this company performs an inspection on a residential property, and the client does not buy the house this inspection company will sell the inspection report to the next prospective buyer, without physically performing the inspection.

Can anybody tell us if this is ethical? If so...why?


Originally Posted By: rray
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. . .

Originally Posted By: Tom Logan
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Does NACHI, ASHI, and/or NAHI permit this practice of selling reports?


Originally Posted By: Tom Logan
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How a few ASHI members perpetrated lies:


1) When a trainee is looking for ride alongs and gets the door closed on them, we recommend documenting all the names you contact and their excuses. Hold on to the notes and send them to your representative. We have documentation showing how the ride along program is a method of keeping out the competition. These are ASHI members (A handful) that are keeping a closed lid on the inspection world.