*----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Heidepriem
To: Lisa Endza ; nick gromicko ; russell@homegauge.com ; wayne@homegauge.com ; Doug Caprio
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 8:31 PM
Subject: Greg Heidepriem Hospitalized
Hi all,
I wanted to write to you and tell you what happened to Greg, My husband.
Greg has talked about the fun he had with you and everyone else at the Nachi Convention in Toronto, so I thought you should all know what is going on.
Last Wednesday June 6th Greg was at a luncheon meeting with a Realtor in Defiance Ohio and started to feel ill, He is so committed to his profession he continued his meeting, after the meeting he went to get up & his left leg felt very odd and his left arm was numb & tingling. He paid for their lunch and went to his truck without as much as a word to the Realtor about not feeling well.
Greg got in his truck and immediately called me at home & explained his condition, I was so worried I told him to go straight to the closest ER, He said No I have to go to Office Max and mail a pump to Pro-Lab and then I am heading home.
Well, he went to Office Max & mailed the items to Pro-lab and his condition worsened. He was taken to a local hospital where he was diagnosed with having a CVA or Stroke in the Right parietal brain, which controls left side movement, Speech, & short term memory.
*Greg is doing quite well considering all that has happened to him, He lost the feeling in his right side leg, arm, face & lips and he had brain seizures from last Wed. until Sat. when they started to get him stable his short term memory was noticeably affected. He started regaining movement in his left extremities and his face so, they transferred him to an intense rehabilitation unit at a large hospital, St. Rita’s Medical center in Lima, Ohio on Tuesday (today). *
Greg is in surprisingly good humor & we are very optimistic for a good outcome and I will keep everyone updated on his progress!
Greg has spent countless hours over the last year putting his Nachi chapter together and having educational events and also working with Nick Gromicko to add some other educational events for the entire Nachi team. He & Nick also worked hard for Greg to land a contract with General Motors North America to teach H I at their facilities.
I know how much Greg Loves Nachi & the Inspection industry and I think it would mean a lot to him if fellow inspectors or fellow members would write him or send a heads up card to help keep his spirit up while he endures a very painful road to recovery!!
*send well wishes to: *
730 West Market Street
Greg Heidepriem
Unit 7E Room 71
Lima, Ohio 45801
In the meantime I will try to answer all his emails as best I can.
Thank you all for your time,
Deb Heidepriem, Zachary & Caitlin