Best/funniest defects

@jfudge…I thought it may have been and even hoped so, but the damned cabinet door was screwed in the corners. Internachi could literally make this the OG house of horror! Never seen anything comparable to this place

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Got moisture issues? I wonder what may have caused this?


Wow, Hope you charged enough! I bet you pulled up, and wanted to just keep driving?? Haha.
Maybe instead of all the defects, just list what was good? :crazy_face:

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How do you open that?

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Goin’ na hafta chainsaw off part of that drawer front, Simon…LOL

I didn’t want to give the flippers any wild ideas :smiley: They get creative enough without me! The same bath had upside-down light/fan switches :expressionless: These boys smoke the good stuff while working.

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This isn’t mine but hilarious just the same:


:astonished: was it mother-in-law’s room? :smiley:

I think, maybe, the flippers wanted a room above the garage…LOL

The concept of a filler strip is lost on so many people that should not be doing finish work! HGTV is the origin of so much hack-job carpentry!..Nailed it!


Found this today, dryer and water heater circuits are cross wired across the two breakers. (Half of dryer on the water heater breaker, other half on the dryer breaker, and vice-versa) Actually a lucky break I noticed it. House was vacant, so when i arrived, the water heater breaker and dryer breaker were off. So I turned on the water heater breaker and went to work… About 45 min in, still no hot water, so I thought maybe the breakers were mis-labeled. I turned on the dryer breaker as well, and immediately heard the water heater element turning on. Turned off the dryer breaker, and it stopped! So I tested each side of the Dryer receptacle, and it was half-hot, and thats when I realized.
This could be a very dangerous situation, as the breakers will not trip as designed, if the load is spread across both!
Makes me wonder how often this actually happens, and nobody ever knows. Not something we will find on a normal inspection without having to troubleshoot…(Especially with a panel so Pristine!!) Just one more thing to be aware of!!


Again, not mine but how could this happen? Now, THAT is pride in their work. :rofl:


Good evening larry :robot:

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Hey, buddy. You doin’ good?

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Not mine but, funny…


I guess it’s OK nothing smelled like it was burning


Cover those wires so the toddler doesn’t get curious.
Burn the place down instead, just stuff a paper towel in there.
At the least how about a smoke detector… … …

hall exp wires


That’s to shovel the snow off in the winter. Keep that closed Please!


It snows in Florida?