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What reasonably priced quality moisture meter do people recommend?
this site provided accurate info for my needs
if you want to contact me i have the complete kit depicted that can be bought for a few shekels Protimeter Surveymaster Moisture Meter Review
Main difference between the two is that the tramex can sense through tile and roofing materials, and not be affected by surface moisture. The Extech is useless if the surface is wet at all.
You probably already own two of them. Eyes and hands.
When it comes to water though, I’m a fan of using thermal to zero me in then confirming with the meter. I don’t have that Extech the other guys are using, but since I have an old Delmhorst pin type I just bought a Klein Pinless. If I didn’t have the old meter, I’d probably buy that Extech. Funny thing is I’ve been hauling that pin type of meter around and I’ve used it once on a popcorn ceiling. I get a lot more mileage out of the thermal, confirming with my eyes, hands and pinless.
That’s what I have and I only have one. There are other moisture meters that do some jobs better than others, so it depends on the type of use intended.