Bill Mullen's Canadian E&O Insurance Survey.

Originally Posted By: gromicko
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Nick Gromicko



I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: rcooke
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

gromicko wrote:

Thanks to Bill Mullen for the effort put forward on this and also for asking NACHI members for their input.
Thanks to all the NACHI members who replied considering we came into the survey later then most,
NACHI put in a very good showing with 17% of the replies where NACHI Canadian members.
It was great that there was cooperation on this and I hope this is only the start of more cooperation in the future
from all members of all associations.
This is good information that can only help us all.
The other file is large and gives all the written replies from those who participated.
Any who wish a copy send me a email and I will send it to you.
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Roy Cooke Sr.