Hello all. Hopefully my first post is in the correct space.
I took my courses, passed all my exams, ordered cards and such, began my membership to this site, joined a local Nachi Assoc., and have completed about 18 freebie inspections for friends, neighbors and family AND I’ve been reading this message board for a few months learning TONS of great stuff! Now, I’m lost on starting my business and thought this would be the best place for info.
I know I should purchase E&O ins. before I charge money for my 1st inspect, but,
Should I (do I need to) hire an attorney before opening my doors?
An accountant?
How much is the going rate to rent one of these “suits”?
Is there more info that I don’t even know to ASK about?
Thanks for any info/help.
Mark Harrod
Certified Inspector
Room 2 Room Inspections, LLC
You may want to send this post to the “member’s only” slot. As far as your questions are concerned, you can find a great deal of info. in the archives relating to just about every subject imaginable. My personal advice would be to start off with a well thought out, detailed business plan and marketing strategy. Take your time and don’t rush into decisions based purely on your desire to succeed. Think everything through and apply what you learn to to your own situation. You will be much more satisfied with the results of your efforts and your money will not go to waste.
Welcome…I would suggest that if you are CA…that you maybe send some e-mails or PM’s to a few of our HI’s that are already doing business in CA. I know I have helped plenty here in VA with local questions and information regarding our state so I am sure a fine HI on here will take you under the WING and explain a few of the things you are asking.
I understand you can't post in the members area because your account says you are not a member yet.....that would have been the best place to post...for members exclusive replies...but I am sure others will chime in and give you assistance.
Again....welcome to NACHI......
One of the 1st things I tell any agent I meet is to use a home inspector who carries E&O and general liability insurance. In addition, I tell them not to just ask if the HI has E&O insurance, but to see the papers from the insurance carrier.
Since you’re very new to the business, the chances that you will miss a major item are much higher. Without E&O insurance, you’re putting yourself at tremendous financial risk.
IMHO, every uninsured HI who botches an inspection and can’t pay to fix what they missed is giving every other HI in the area a bad rep. Bad news always travels fast when something goes wrong. Instead of so-and-so doing a bad inspection, it’s EVERY home inspector does a bad inspection.
I expect you too are new to this business as most experienced HIs know that E&O is to protect the HI not the purchaser .
Also most experienced HI do not tell the client they have insurance because they know it is just painting a BULLS EYE on their back saying sue me .
You state bad news travels fast can you please give us some information on His who have had something go wrong and not had it fixed.
I would also like some information on one of these new HIs that has missed something major and had the insurance company fix it .
I like to see factual information posted not some bodies ideas on what might or could happen.
Please do not scare people with you thoughts .
I been doing inspections since the last century so have a little ideas of what goes on in this industry.
Roy Cooke sr. …Royshomeinspection.com
I am also 2 months new to HI. Been tring to find any info on chapter meeting in my area. The forum for chaters is restricted to me. I am a NACHI memeber but still cannot gain access to post.
Any help would be great. The name or contact for the AL. chapter Pres. even better.
Look at the top of this page and you will see a “search” button Click on that and enter “marketing”. Russell Ray has a number of good posts on marketing.I’ll e-mail you some coupons and letters in “WORD” format and you can put your info in there.
If you are a NACHI member and have paid the FEE to be one…I would jump on someone for NOT changing your access from new user to Member otherwise you are not getting all that you paid for.
Paul, I’ve emailed fastreply@Nachi and asked about why my user name is my email and why I am not being shown as a Nachi member. No real answers from there. Any other leads that you would suggest?
O.K. figured it out. I changed my nachi password some time ago and that was the password it was looking for. Had to check some old emails to find it. Thanks guys.
Bill Corbett.