Build A House (am) (an)

This is meant to be educational, I think what your doing is great. Just because people aren’t making comments, doesn’t mean they aren’t finding it useful.

Actually, you might be better off if you don’t get comments! :neutral:

Hey Marcel, I’m kind of disappointed too.

I may have a job coming up that will convert a 24x32 ranch into a cape with a full dormer in the rear and two A dormers in front. My client is waiting on the appraisal but has told me I have the job, they said it had something to do with my professionalism and knowledge, go figure.

Anyway, I would love to post the project here to show everyone how something like this is done.

I post on my web site as well, I call it my work in progress section and my clients love it because the tell their family and friends who aren’t near by to see what’s going on at their house.

How about a link to your website (work in progress section)? :smiley:

Peter, I always enjoy your post and think it is a good contribution to all NACHI Members.
Go for it.
I will be the first to tell you what’s wrong, :mrgreen: all in the family of Building. ha. ha.

It is apparent to me that you are well known in your area for what you do, so whatever you are doing, keep it up.

It is always a pleasure for someone to share their experiences related to Home Inspections, and hands on sure helps many.

Marcel :slight_smile: :smiley:

Thanks Marcel, I like your contributions as well, very informative and you are definitely a knowledgeable professional and an asset to NACHI.

I have not let on in the past that I am actually a contractor as well as a home inspector because I thought I would be bashed to hell and back, ooh, that was a good movie, sorry, but I now see I can contribute to this board and since I love what I do, Why not!

Brian, I have over 500 pictures on my job so far this year, I do not have a Website, but do you think the Members on this Board would be interested in Commercial Building Pictures of an ongoing project?

Just a thought.

Since Peter and Robert have covered the Residential side, maybe I could cover the Commercial Side.

Marcel :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :smiley:

I, for one, would enjoy seeing your project go up before my very eyes. :smiley:

Marcel, you should without a doubt do it, I think it would be a huge contribution to the commercial thread.

I know I will look forward to it every time you post and it will be helpful for those of us who are just getting into commercial inspections.

Put them right here.
Maybe we could call this forum under construction.