Canadian Academy of Certified Home Inspectors.

Russel you’re assuming again. Markets dictate prices that includes home inspectors. Check your math too- your numbers are sounding impossible again. Funny that you work so much but have hours to spend ripping apart other inspectors on a message board and researching their websites. Sounds like you may be embellishing. Must be some pretty quick inspections. I’d question the quality. And it doesn’t matter how many gmail accounts you make for yourself to give yourself +1’s. Everyone knows its a trick that dishonest business owners use to boost their google relevance. So pat yourself on the back and get back to the 18 inspections you have to do today. Get some rest, you’ve got another 18-25 to do tomorrow according to your numbers.
And what dark disgusting crevasse did you pull out the number 4 weeks for my experience? For a guy that has SO much education, your reading,research and math skills suck. I’d hate to see your reports.

*isnt it a gas having your professional life picked a part by a complete stranger Russ?