Originally Posted By: rbrown1
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
When I asked you when you and Bill might be able to join us in a meeting this was your reply:
“I will see what can be arranged, and get back to you as soon as possible.
Look forward to getting up there!”
Ontario Home Inspections Inc.
Ok, so I am supposed to be on vacation and I'm beat (which is unusual for me at this hour) but I am confused.
You say that you will see what you can do and are looking forward to coming up here and now we get into the same stuff that I was talking about earlier!
We are not asking you to breach anything at all. If that was the case then you would have to say that Bill already did that in Kingston.
Sure there will be questions that you can't answer, so today should be any different than yesterday. Bill couldn't answer all the questions either but, he still came to the meeting.
Many members and non-members are more aware of what is going on now than when the meeting was held in Kingston. So what's the problem?
From my understanding it was Bill who lit the fire on this one via an email.
We are simply asking for some facts not BS and run around. You must know as an educator what happens with rumors. They NEED to be quelled! I don't see a problem with anyone attending a meeting, you just might have a good time and people just might walk away with a better understanding. Problem? I can't see one!
Regarding compensation and your disappointment with me NOT backing you up. Do you
really want me to go there? If you recall we made the arrangements via emails which I still have copies of. I am NOT interested in turning this into a pissing match, but if you wish I will oblige.
You might recall there were some personal issues happening at that time and maybe you have forgotten what was stated.
If you wish to carry this further I will take your statement on this post as permission to post ALL the emails that went back and forth between us.
I trust this issue is now over.
I really don't care what other people say regarding compensation or lack thereof for people I do business with. That business transaction is between the person and myself and nobody else.
I will say this Bill, you stated that both you and Claude would come to a late summer meeting
at no charge. The reason you gave was, because you had to cancel out on the last meeting.
BTW an
update is not a breach of confidentiality.
AM leaving for vacation Friday a.m. If you wish to chat, call me on my cell listed below.
Best regards,
Bob Brown
President NACHI Du-Ka Chapter ON. Canada
NACHI Cell: 1-484-429-5465
ACISS Home Inspections
Certified Adult Training Services