Canadian Legislation

Originally Posted By: rwand
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Bill, two questions for you regarding your Convention.

Is it open to ALL Inspectors regardless of their association?

Is this when the "Announcement" will take place, and if so, will it be yet another "final draft" or will it be "cast-in-stone"?

Here is an idea, why doesn't Nachi have a booth at the CAHPI Conference in Niagra Falls in October. I am sure ASHI will be there. If all is fair and open there would be no hesitation? It would seem fair to allow Nachi members in to the conference for the presentation of the National. Why not kill two birds with one stone? It is suppose to be fair and open as stated by the Minister and Nachi has to be included at some point in this whole endeavour right? Well?

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: lewens
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The offer to speak to your meeting groups is still open, the time will be on my agenda, and unfortunately not yours. Secondly, it seems that in hind sight that the offer to speak was premature because I have stated before it is still a work in process and the final version is still in review.

This should not be on your agenda but on the agenda and timeline of anyone who wants information as it is within the mandate of the initiative to explain what is going on to all members of the industry in Canada. According to Mr. Fontana CAHPI has agreed to do this and is expected to do so. Why not come to the NACHI/SWO Chapter Meeting in Brantford Ontario on Sept 14 2005 and speak to us . I am sure you will be welcomed as I for one would like to hear exactly what is proposed. As you may know John Bowman will be in attendance and I am sure he would also like to hear all about this and Bill's threat.

Just my usual 12.5 cents

From The Great White North Eh?

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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Interesting suggestion, but to clarify the ASHI issue - they did not have a booth at the last few CAHPI conferences. That is not to say there was not ASHI members in attendance. On the other side any person can attend the conference - member or non-member - its strictly pay your fee and show up!

The choice is there and besides it may provide another point of view about the quality of and respect deserved of what we all share in common.

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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Sorry Larry, but we may have to disagree on the timing issue. My full time job is a college professor, and like you I have a full time commitment to my work. That work also crosses over to my evenings - will NACHI pay for my expenses to fly to Brantford or Bowmanville, or Kingston or to attend your meeting at 7 when my Tuesday class finishes at 5?

Than again I would not want to fall into the quandary that Gil and a few others seem to have got stuck with. Again with all due respect - nobody is financially paying for me this, so get a grip on the fact that there is no $$$ for this, other than me or who ever is "volunteering" to do this in covering their own expenses. So are you suggesting Bill and I are paid for this or that Mr. Fontana's going to pick up my tab? I don't think so. In fact I know so. Perhaps the word volunteer and no money are synonymous!

On the other side - I will have some days with few hours of contact at the college - so that is why I stated the fact - be it the real fact, that it will have to suit my teaching schedule. So I can attend meetings for speaking - but it depends on my teaching schedule. Believe me there needs to be life beyond just work.

Hopefully you and others can agree to respect that.

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: rwand
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If there truly is an open door policy, then why not invite “all” inspectors regardless of affiliation to the announcement at the CAHPI Convention in October. Then none of the spokespeople would have to travel as they will be all in one spot anyway. This would seem to make the most sense to me.


Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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Raymond great suggestion - OK - so let me be one of the first - all home inspectors are invited to the CAHPI National Conference to be held in Niagara Falls October 14 to 16th at the Sheraton Fallsview Hotel.

Registration and Travel Fees apply, and registration fee paid walk-ins regardless of membership are welcome.

Additionally, Inspection Support Services Inc. and 3D Inspection system will be offering an inspection software seminar on the 3D system on the Friday the 14th at the hotel. Limited seating available.

In addition, I have guests from the FNNBOA - First Nations National Building Officers Association in attendance.

Regards, Claude

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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BTW: you do not even have to be a home inspector or affiliated with any association to attend the conference!

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: wjung
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I find it interesting, considering the fact that Mr. Fontana stated something to the effect that the information is to be flowing freely to all members of the Canadian inspection industry from CAHPI, regardless of association affiliation or not that individuals are required to pay some exuberant amount of money to attend a conference they otherwise would most likely not attend, in order to hear this important announcement. I would suggest that entrance to the meeting where the announcement is to be given should be free for all wishing to attend. Furthermore, is the announce to be followed by Q & A session? I am certain that a lot of individuals will have questions.

Best regards


Originally Posted By: rwand
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Can someone in Nachi block Mr. Bottoms from using Nachi resources to send out private emails which appear to be vengeful and harassing? I am not going to reply to him because any reply to Mr. Bottoms will encourage him further.

I don't think this type of attitude and activity should be permitted nor do I expect such behaviour from the Editor in Chief of the Canadian Home Inspector Magazine, nor as an Associate Member of Oahi. For someone in a position of responsibility it is abhorent to see this type of behaviour. I am sure Claude will not condone this type of activity nor I am sure those in Nachi?

Raymond Wand R.H.I.
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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Hi Wolf, good to hear from you. I cannot disagree other than to reiterate the points of debate raised last fall even here on the NACHI forum and input from other of Bill’s initial Kingston session, as well as the feedback of the first document. Changes and fine tuning and finishing the document for release unfortunately takes time. So the information should flow freely - but until it is set for release - is that not premature, and assumptive? Seems like submitting a half-finished inspection report - and we all know what can happen in a case like that.

I have invested along with many others countless - unpaid hours into this project. Simply how many inspectors can afford to loose over 2 years of potential income to chair committees, and sit on committees and do committee work and not get paid for their loss of time for their business? Not to mention the cost on family, vacations, and other occasions.

What irks many is the audacity of a few to try to throw a monkey wrench into this process and scream that this process has been unfair, biased and will put inspectors out in the street. That is far from the truth. There are Canadian laws protecting such from happening, and the committee is well aware of this. I for one represent the independent and the the outside interest, so please don't think for a moment that even the lone "wolf" (excuse the reference) out there is not afforded the same opportunity. Can we at least agree on one simple point - that this was and never was steered or directed as an exclusive process for the home inspector sector in Canada. If it was - I would have walked and screamed a long time ago!

So although it becomes boring and does not suit some peoples meeting schedules or agenda - the final document is close. Than and only than "we" will be not in jeopardy of breaching freedom of information and confidentiality related agreements.

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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clawrenson wrote:
Raymond great suggestion - OK - so let me be one of the first - all home inspectors are invited to the CAHPI National Conference to be held in Niagara Falls October 14 to 16th at the Sheraton Fallsview Hotel.

Registration and Travel Fees apply, and registration fee paid walk-ins regardless of membership are welcome.
In addition, I have guests from the FNNBOA - First Nations National Building Officers Association in attendance.

Regards, Claude

This could be a great time to move into the 21 century .
I am sure the convention has high speed internet hook up .
Why not have this go live out over the net so inspectors in other parts of the country could see the whole presentation .

If this is not possible then send it out as a printed presentation .

Roy Cooke Sr.

Originally Posted By: lewens
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So again we will be presented with a fait accompli and no input due to the reluctance of the imitative committee to go out and spread information about it. Your mandate is to get the word out not give us the final document and say “this is it now live with it”. Why, again, are you being close mouthed about it? What, again, are you hiding that we are not allowed to see. I can’t believe that confidentiality can be an issue if it applies to the very people that want to know what it contains.

Just my usual 12.5 cents

From The Great White North Eh?

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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Respectfully, Larry at that time when decided by all parties to the MOU for the official release you and everyone else will be presented with the facts not just half of the information, or the incorrect information, but the whole plan.

Perhaps than you should rethink or consider one the following terms in a 9 page document with respect to confidentiality: ?since both parties will, in the course of the performance of this MOU (Memorandum of Understanding), obtain confidential and proprietary information of the other, both parties agree to hold in strict confidence the confidential and proprietary information of the other and treat it with the same degree of care that each party exercises with regard to its own such information?.

So if we consider if you have a confidentiality agreement lets say for example as an ACISS affiliate or franchisee ? are you suggesting that it is ethical and the right thing to do ? to breach that confidentiality agreement? I would expect Larry ? that you are not going to disrespect that contractual agreement of any such terms. To do so would obviously place you in a position of being sued. Need I bring up issues where companies have been successful in this arena against those breaching such terms of trust?

In short CSC (Construction Sector Council of Canada) ? the project manager appointed by the government has not agreed to such information release to this date. To do so would jeopardize my position on the committee. Hopefully you can RESPECT that implication as a professional.

So there is no hiding - its simply a matter of respecting the terms and conditions that were imposed. As I stated earlier, I will avail myself within reasonableness to get the word out to the meeting groups, or whoever - but until I receive the official word - I must obey my legal obligations to protect my own backside.

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: rbrown1
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When I asked you when you and Bill might be able to join us in a meeting this was your reply:

“I will see what can be arranged, and get back to you as soon as possible.

Look forward to getting up there!”

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Ok, so I am supposed to be on vacation and I'm beat (which is unusual for me at this hour) but I am confused.

You say that you will see what you can do and are looking forward to coming up here and now we get into the same stuff that I was talking about earlier!

We are not asking you to breach anything at all. If that was the case then you would have to say that Bill already did that in Kingston.

Sure there will be questions that you can't answer, so today should be any different than yesterday. Bill couldn't answer all the questions either but, he still came to the meeting.

Many members and non-members are more aware of what is going on now than when the meeting was held in Kingston. So what's the problem?

From my understanding it was Bill who lit the fire on this one via an email.
We are simply asking for some facts not BS and run around. You must know as an educator what happens with rumors. They NEED to be quelled! I don't see a problem with anyone attending a meeting, you just might have a good time and people just might walk away with a better understanding. Problem? I can't see one!


Regarding compensation and your disappointment with me NOT backing you up. Do you really want me to go there? If you recall we made the arrangements via emails which I still have copies of. I am NOT interested in turning this into a pissing match, but if you wish I will oblige.
You might recall there were some personal issues happening at that time and maybe you have forgotten what was stated.

If you wish to carry this further I will take your statement on this post as permission to post ALL the emails that went back and forth between us.
I trust this issue is now over.

I really don't care what other people say regarding compensation or lack thereof for people I do business with. That business transaction is between the person and myself and nobody else.

I will say this Bill, you stated that both you and Claude would come to a late summer meeting at no charge. The reason you gave was, because you had to cancel out on the last meeting.

BTW an update is not a breach of confidentiality.

I AM leaving for vacation Friday a.m. If you wish to chat, call me on my cell listed below.

Best regards,

Bob Brown
President NACHI Du-Ka Chapter ON. Canada
NACHI Cell: 1-484-429-5465

ACISS Home Inspections

Certified Adult Training Services

Originally Posted By: Bill Mullen RHI
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Feel free to post any of our messages. If you read them, neither I nor Claude were ever in line to be paid one cent for our time and trouble. The only things we ever asked for was reimbursement of our expenses, and I even offered to give you a break on that.

After we couldn't show up when scheduled, I agree that I told you we would attend a future meeting at no cost. That would still stand, except that you have now decided to be a party to knowingly spreading wrong information about this.

I'm sorry, but I see no merit in trying to help or cooperate with anyone who is intent on continuing and supplementing this false information about our discussions. That's a poor way to build a working relationship.

I also have all the messages, so post at will.

Oh, and by the way, I did not 'light the fire under this one'. If you and others would read what I said, the National Initiative was never mentioned. Mr. Wand and I had a series of e-mails discussing something entirely different, but then you would never believe that he would take anything out of context, would you?

Bill Mullen RHI

Originally Posted By: wjung
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you must have been typing on the computer for too long, because I don’t have a clue what you are talking about. Your reply to me has nothing to do with the question I asked and/or point I was trying to make in my post. So please re-read the my post and try again.

Best regards


Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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When was Bill in Bowmanville? Or were you referring to Kingston? Was that before or after the first release? What was the purpose of Bill’s visit - to get feedback, to quiet some of the apprehension to this debate last year. Some things have changed since than, and perhaps you have easily forgotten that the document is still at this point not been finalized and readied for release. That feedback was used to help solidify some of the questions, some areas are still a work in process. Need I say more - it is not signed off yet for release.

Has Bill or Claude been on the road delivering this to anyone since? Answer NO. So how does that equal your claim? Have I recanted my offer - absolutely NO! But it now seems that both you and Larry are hell bent on dictating to us our obligations to communicate - when and where and without respecting knowledge of the non-disclosure clauses we are bound to at this point in time. You letter writing henchmen that are pointing fingers should be able to figure out why the non-disclosure clauses are in effect!

Will we visit your meeting groups or others? YES - when we are approved to go with the approval of CSC and the partners to the agreement. But unfortunately the more you guys continue to rag this issue out - the less it becomes such an exciting adventure! I assume you want good accurate information, and I would expect that all members or inspectors would expect the facts, not the words of an incomplete project, that would likely cause only more distortions of the real facts of the matter.

Go back and revisit this thread and think about why Bill or even myself should continue. We have no obligation to respond here in this venue when words and facts are continually twisted. Personally I am ashamed of this "crap" of name calling and playing the blame game - because it is spiteful, unethical and an unprofessional NACHI hosted and sanctioned communications. It is doing nothing to foster better relationships between organizations.

It seems that once again the air of ill-will has crept into this discussion. I am not saying or making threats - I am only stating facts, it seems I am labelled unbelievable, and the other person named as the liar. Great and welcoming invitations!

All I simply request is tone down the spiteful rhetoric - it is a waste of good productive quality time and energy. But with all due respect the show will go on, and hopefully sooner than later, and hopefully under more amiable conditions - so we can put this issue to close - once and for all!

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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(Wolf) Simplified version - when and where did The Honourable Joe Fontana, P.C., M.P. indicate this communication will take place, before, after or upon completion of this project? Some people seem to be creating their own self-imposed deadlines, and takes to this letter. Once again very simply stated - it is done when the report and project manager indicates it is completed. NOTE: Until than we are specifically cautioned not to release the facts. (Period) Than and only than will it be communicated - as required.

Hopefully, we can agree that he stated it will be communicated -but I fail to see specified terms, or deadlines. Fairly and equally too - it will be communicated to NACHI, ASHI and others. That is a clear requirement that this be fulfilled and both Bill and I "volunteered" to get the word out.

I have read and reread his response to Larry and fail to see that this was an immediate requirement and furthermore that the premature communique of this information would fundamentally breach non-disclosure agreements.

As I stated before - I am equally anxious to get this rolled out and move on with my other projects and commitments.

Regards, Claude

Ontario Home Inspections Inc.

Originally Posted By: John Bowman
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"I think Bill Millen is looking for a feather in his hat...he wants to build an empire, one which will go down in history with HIS name on it."

Bill and Claude,

Spin this any way you wish, but with all due respect, the alienation of everyone but a select few is bordering on total dictatorship or even possibly treason to the profession.

Your group sits behind closed doors hiding behind a "Memorandum of Understanding". You maliciously without malice pick and choose who is or is not privy to your highly self imposed confidential information. Information that is detrimental to literally hundreds if not thousands of Home Inspection Professionals throughout Canada. Yet you choose to be bias.

A small group of people behind closed doors, who are self-regulated and can biasly pick and choose who they will listen to and who they won't. Who can choose who they will speak to and who they won't (See the above article posted in the OAHI "Ontario Inspector").

Not once have I seen any of you reach out to the Canadian members of NACHI or to the hundreds of other Inspectors in Canada that do not belong to any association. Your righteous attitude of it will be our way or the highway mentality must cease for your initiative to be successful.

I implode you to stand back and take a long hard look at your stance of alienating the vast majority of home inspection professionals in Canada. It is their livelihood that you are toying with. They have the right to prepare themselves and be afforded the same opportunities and information that you are providing OAHI in an attempt to corner the Canadian market. I and the staff will firmly stand behind our membership on their simple requests.

Originally Posted By: rwand
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For the record and as stated by Mr. Mullens.

If you do find a way to speak with your handlers at NACHI, tell them to start packing their bags, because after the special events and announcements to be made at the CAHPI Conference in Niagara Falls, NACHI will be irrelevant in Canada.

Bill Mullen
CAHPI forever !!!!!

We know that Mr. Mullens and his cohort the Editor of the Canadian Home Inspector Magazine have in the recent past made false statements in regards to me "derailing the National" on at least three forums at different points in time. We also know that Mr. Mullens seems to be carrying around a lot of baggage and vehemence along with the Editor who finds it necessary to continually display how juvenile and ignorant he is by sending out Nachi private mail to harass anybody seen to be astute at asking poingnant questions. What a shame these two go to such lengths to try and make their falsities truthful. Nice duo team action to say the least. It most certainly appears management in CAHPI has lost control and for whatever reason can't rein these two birds in. I am sorry to see Claude totally ignore the actions of unethical statements and actions by these two individuals, which makes me wonder what Claudes agenda is in all of this.

Now Mullens sends an email (quoted above) stating and believing that I am somehow connected with Nachi and should report to my handlers at Nachi of his pronouncement. Well first off I have no handlers in Nachi because anyone with a brain can see that I am not a member. So this statement suggests that Mr. Mullens doesn't want to deal with truthful info and will make false statements.

As to Mr. Mullens stating and denying he didn't say anything about the National in his post,,,,,,, well just what the heck did you mean? I am sure you did not mean that CAHPI would make Nachi irrelevent. So please explain yourself. Then again maybe you shouldn't explain yourself because we all know what you meant. One only has to read between the lines.

Mr. Mullens in regard to his Kingston visit always stated he did the trip and presentation at his own expense, and was gleeful of same. Now he says' "The only things we ever asked for was reimbursement of our expenses, and I even offered to give you a break on that. " So I guess Mr. Mullens couldn't tell the truth any better then than he can now. I have no problem with anyone being compensated, but please don't be so bold has you have been claiming you bore the whole cost. Now his next expidition was to speak at DUCA in which he backed out, and tried to extort more money to attend and made that out that he was a nice guy and would pick up the costs.

As to Mr. Mullens and his "spokesperson" role, it is quite obvious Mr. Mullen has an agenda of his own, and his "handlers" either don't care or condone his actions. He is the stumbling block that is why you should be talking to the President Mr. Guihan. I am beginning to think Mr. Guihan is the Invisible Man and Mr. Mullens has been left to do and say as he pleases.
Mr. Mullens has never had anything good to say about Nachi, and or it members, that is a fact and proveable by all those posts alluding to same on his private fiefdom the CANUCK list, except the moles keep on doing their good work and forwarding all those delirious posts.

And to go on the record I would even go so far as to say I cannot and will not receive an unbias objective review by the National because of what has been said and stated repeatedly by Mr. Mullens and the actions of the Editor. If they can treat me like this it is apparent that they have their sights set on others who try and enter the sanctity of the fiefdom as seen by Mr. Mullens and his partner in crime the Editor in Chief of the Canadian Home Inspector Magazine.

Just when will CAHPI/National put its house in order and clean out the dead wood. Personally I would like to have all these questions, concerns and statements addressed by Mr. Guihan, and failing that perhaps Nachi should be setting up a meeting with Mr. Fontana.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program of decieit and denial, and falsities.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON