Carson Dunlop Question

I am thinking of taking a couple of courses to upgrade my knowledge , namely Electrical and Hvac and I am seriously looking at the courses offered by Carson Dunlop here in Canada they look like they cover a lot.
On their website they post a lot of organizations that they are affiliated with but do-not mention NACHI .
They claim to be one of the largest and best training facilities in the world , why isn’t NACHI affiliated with this organization?
Any feed back on the courses or on my question would be appreciated. thanks.

Fred check out Hummber and Seneca colleges. I took several on line coures from them on my way to getting my RHI and I think they are cheaper to.

Thats because CD sued Nachi for copyright infringement of its illustrated home. It was settled out of court. No love lost between CD and Nachi aka Nick.

I do not know of any one who has been disapointed with C&D… Cookie

The CD books and programs are probably considered some of the best training material out there. I’ve taken the HI program thru Mohawk College (all 10 courses) and CD was the course material provider.

Their material is very thorough. You can sign up for courses thru some community colleges in Ontario and take only the courses you want. It may be cheaper that way plus you get recognition for completing them. I did mine thru online/correspondance. You will need to go into the college to write the final exam.

I would not think twice about this decision. I took the Carson Dunlop complete home Training and it is second to none. Taking the course from home or in class, it just does not matter, the matterial is explained, layed out and presented clearly and precise. Pay the extra cash for the tutor if you take it from home, it is well worth it.

As to why Nachi is not in contact with CarsonDunlop for continuing education is a good question because all Nachi Inspectors would benefit from there materials.

CarsonDunlop also offers a 3 day Commercial training program which I will be taking in November.


Here is the simple answer. All of CD Inspectors are members of OAHI and only OAHI. Therefore they may be towing the corporate line and not having anything to say Good or Bad about nachi.

I took the 10 course certificate @ Seneca and I really enjoyed it and have met a trained with some of the CD inspectors. I would take the courses through them.

But I think hell will freeze over before Carson Dunlop and Nachi are friends.

Also any one using the Horizon System? They just chnaged their pricing method they now charge a monthly fee 79.00 for unlimited inspections but you have to buy a block of 3 months or a year.

I honestly don’t like it but hey they gotta make money aswell.

Steven If you go to this site I think you might find more C&D inspectors are not members of OAHI then Are .

I also think one of the founders of OAHI Mr. Dunlop is no longer a member of OAHI , Mr Carson is still an OAHI member .

I would not be surprised if at some time in the future C&D and NACHI do get along and co-operate with each other.
The Home Inspection industry is small and we all do need one another and the sooner this co-operation happens the better.
CAHPI and OAHI will either see the light or just stay like they are slowly shrinking .
NACHI is growing and many more HIs are seeing how good NACHI is.
NACHI where the Future of the Inspection industry is the brightest.

… Cookie

Its all Carson Dunlops fault that I got into this business! They had a 2 week course back in 1991. I know because I was an attendee and graduate. :wink:

I have used their report system consistently since 1991.

Personally, I think their stuff is very good. I just won’t use it, ever. Nor would I use any material from any company that sells to me using an ad that says “great for websites” then lies under oath in support of a suit against me for putting it on a website (just like their ad said I could).

There are principles worth taking a stand for in life. I don’t do business with pieces of crap no matter how good their product is. Plenty of other vendors out there:

Probably the stupidest thing a vendor to the inspection industry could do is attack the world’s largest association of inspectors, an association that does more in any one week then the rest of the industry does in a year. Kind of biting the hand that feeds ya, no?