Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’m trying to figure out a good cell phone plan to use. Currently I have a Tracfone, where you just pay by the minute, but the minutes are getting more expensive…like .27/minute.
Looking for ways to reduce business costs, and one possiblilty is to eliminate my land line completely, but keep and use my business phone # for a cell phone (I think that is allowed).
I realize that reception is dependant on the area you live, but also know that some cells get better reception regardless.
Originally Posted By: psmothers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Can your business still be listed in the yellow pages with just a cell phone number? I have seen many inspectors have their cell number listed after their business number but don not recall seeing any with just cell’s listed.
– Foxe Smothers
"Its not a matter of will we rebuilt it is matter of how soon..."
"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
In my area, Verizon will issue business line numbers to land line numbers only. I looked into this and they tell me that my business line (in order to be listed) must be connected to a land line. They will also issue a remote line which can connect to your number of choice but they will not connect your business number to a cell number.
I use Nextel with land line business calls forwarded to my Nextel number.

Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I just called one company and they call it Porting? They port my line and it cancels my land service and takes over my phone #. They said no problem.
That said, it's true that I don't see cell phone #'s listed in phone books, but if your # is a regular phone # for the area you live in, how would the book publisher's know its a cell?
Originally Posted By: jmurray This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Looking for ways to reduce business costs, and one possiblilty is to eliminate my land line completely, but keep and use my business phone # for a cell phone (I think that is allowed).
How would you get on the internet and how would you fax?
-- "A little less conversation and a little more action"!
Originally Posted By: jsmith10 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Kevin & all,
I have my business line forwarded to my cell phone when I'm not in the office but of course have a voice mail in case I forget to call Qwest.
I have no choice but to use Qwest here in SW Idaho. I needed the phone book exposure. I get listed in 2 large phone books w/business line.
The cost of the service is $40.00 month with 5 options included and $.05 per min long distance w/no monthly service charge.
We have all the major Cell phone Co's. here but Verizon has the best reach and quality reception.
I can't post my cell # in the phone book unless I purchase a large add and so the options I listed above works for me.
Check with your phone service providers in your area and see if they have a special running. If you have more than 1 provider chances are good they will.
Of course you have to find out the best phone book for your area and ensure your listed in it (possibly an additional cost).
Not much help I know but sharing my experience.
Do some serious research and I wish you the best of luck.
Originally Posted By: ccoombs This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I would suggest you keep you office number and have it automatically forwarded to your cell phone. That way if you want to go back to the land line/cell phone line you have both numbers. This is how I have my current set up. The extra line only costs $15/month.
In the past I did not do this and had to change numbers several times. This was a major problem with clients. I now have an office number and will never change the number even if I set up an office at a later date.
Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Curtis, the idea is to keep my current number, but use it for my cell phone instead. They can do this now. It’s called porting. This way you get to keep your number(no extra monthly charge) and if you want to go back to a land line, you can still use your number.
Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Well, I got my new cell phone and have been using it awhile. Put my landline of perpetual call forwarding to test the cell just to see how well my reception is throughout my home.
I’ve decided to go the cell phone only route for awhile anyway and just port my landline number. Benifits exceed the losses. The major benifit is losing one bill/month.
May not be recommended for those in the business awhile, but for those struggling starting out, every bit of savings counts.
For those that want more info on porting your landline, here's a good site:
Originally Posted By: kelliott This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Well, cell phone only can’t be such a bad idea. If you’ve heard some of the political guys recently, they’re bemoaning the fact that about 15% of the U.S. population is now cell phone only, which makes both polling inaccurate, since they can’t get to those people with computer dialers, -the numbers aren’t available, and also because they can’t run the political phone ads as easily either. And that number seems to be climbing at a rather steady pace, says the cell providers. I’d be cell only except I get such lousy reception where I am, that I can’t rely on a decent cell connection. And you can’t conduct business on a connection that frequently drops calls. I’ve had friends over, and my house seems to be located in about a 2 block square “black hole” of cell reception, that nobody’s service seems to penetrate. Frustrating, but nothing I can do. If I had decent reception tho, my landline would be gone! I think you’ve made a good business decision there!
Originally Posted By: charper This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I believe that very soon all cell phone numbers will be available. They’re going to be listed just like landlines are now. So there’s no escaping those pain in the a$$ calls, marketers and so on. Currently when I leave my office (downstairs basement) , I transfer all calls to my cell. I have Verizon and it works great for me. I have caller ID so I only answer when a number and name show up.
Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Since my number is listed on the “no call list” I don’t get those kind of calls. And the FCC states that even if you port your land # to a cell, your number is still protected. My cell has caller ID also.
I hope your right about cell listings. Sure would be nice.
Keith, have you thought about a cell antenna? helps pick up in areas of bad reception.
Originally Posted By: charper This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
You are right about being on the no call list, however I still get some goofy calls. Not many but a few. Also I have been told that soon all cell phones will be listed just like landlines are now.
Originally Posted By: dbowers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Keith -
I can’t remember if its Nall or Lamar - but every time I drive up one of them between SM Pkwy and about 70th my cell line goes dead. Is that around you???