Okay young Grasshopper, you just opened the dishwasher and looked inside to find it empty. You start a cycle and almost within a minute, you smell something burning. It’s coming from the dishwasher.
You was never taught this in your schooling and it’s a first for you.
• What do you do and how do you report your observations.
(Bill Scott, Washington state license #1828)
I would stop the dishwasher and turn breaker off. I would note in the inspection what happened and I would also leave a note or tell realtor . Then I would be thinking I may be buying a new dishwasher lol.
Is the seller a magician?
If so, open the dishwasher again, and check for a rabbit smoking a cigarette.
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(Bill Scott, Washington state license #1828)
Well I take pictures but as far as the facebook group I am in you don’t always get a serious answer or you get people mocking you. I would try to figure out what happened as best as I can, But that being said it isn’t necessarily for me to diagnose what happened.
Obviously you would turn it off as soon as you smelled something. Then (after the smell dissipated some) look inside again for packing material, tape, styrofoam, etc, on the heating element. I’d also note if it was one of the fire prone GE models…
Oh Yeah Nick, I’m getting some of these newer guys thinking on their own. They are thinking for themselves and they are making me proud.
They have the potential to think on their own and figure things out.
I am tiring out men. It’s been a long day and.I was just scared to fall asleep from the medicine the doctors injection into me today.
I don’t hardly post on the message board.but.I really enjoy a few minutes with you all.
I am thinking of coming on here at least once a week and maybe teaching you guys something. Tonight,.I just got you thinking, but the questions is only partially answered.
One of the reasons I don’t post is that daggone spell check changing my words.
Well I’m honestly at the edge of my expertise on this one. As far as water running after I shutoff the washer, are we talking about a burnt control board not closing the water inlet valve or a burnt inlet valve? What do I hear specifically or see when I look under the sink?
I would figure out the client native language before beginning the inspection to reduce language barriers. Then shut off double inspect for the package material, proper connections under sink of which I should have seen under prior due to the possibility of an improper discharge and what not. And if I still had jumped the gun and turned it on without verifying proper connection prior to checking proper operations I would address as an improper installation refer to further evaluation by plumber for water or appliance… It would seem like a lot to process but if conducting an inspection in accordance to SOP this could be addressed as any other appliance or it would be a nice way to attain some PTSD, if an oops situation occurs.
I would call the dishwasher out as detective and suggest a certified Technician examine the dishwasher and not to operate it until this was done
Jim McArthur
Calgary Alberta
InterNACHI member# NACHI18011825