CMI runs full-page ad that hits over 100,000 Florida REALTORs.

The 100,000+ marketing piece will hit Florida REALTORs in March, 2011.

What are you doing for your members that are not CMI’s?

The MICB is not permitted to do anything for InterNACHI members that are not CMIs. The 4 featured members ran (paid for) the ad themselves.

Ahhhh i have no idea what that is.

The ad only cost the featured CMIs a penny per REALTOR.

Don’t hate me because my website is beautiful. :smiley:

If you are a CMI you too could be listed here (scroll toward the bottom) email me and we can exchange links. :smiley:

Just pony up the cash and away you go…I may have to start running ads showing how much it costs to join that club.

The ad takes a little shot at licensing and reminds REALTORs that a license isn’t a credential that means much.

Don’t let your deal become on-the-job training for a recently licensed home inspector

And assumes that the majority of Realtors actually care about a high quality inspector. :wink:

We’re all recently licensed, including the 4 CMI’s that paid for the ad.:roll:

Kind of seems like that would hurt many of your members.

Yeah but… Many of us have years in the business. :wink:

Exactly. A freshly-printed license doesn’t demonstrate experience. CMI does.

That is really smart, now that everyone waves the same freshly-printed license.

CMI does it better, but that is pretty good Joe.

I have both barrels blazing. :smiley:

It might mean something if it was free or earned but CMI is a paid for title.

It’s all about marketing - CMI isn’t a State license, but it sure is hard to argue with the qualifications!

What are the current qualifications for CMI?

The most important one is payment. Seriously look into it and tell me I am wrong. I dare any of you. No payment no CMI unless of course Nick cuts you a deal.