I am told that I need to purchase a sniffer to detect Carbon Monoxide and combustible gases (natural gas and propane). There are a number of units that do one or the other, other say they are not for CO. Is there a recommended unit that I should purchase that will satisfy these/both needs?
I use my nose for combustible gasses and use the below clipped to my tool bag or belt loop for CO.
Why do you monitor for Trace gases?? Do you really think there is a hazard of Carbon Dioxide in a home?
Just curious, why do you need one?
Btw… your first pic was for an Oxygen detector!
It’s a Friday after a long week and maybe the beer is going down good. Ever think of that smart alek?
I think all the time. Perhaps you should try it!
You don’t live too far away from me to come down there and…
I’ll meet you half way!!
That all you got? What’s with the ‘limp wrist’??
to get back to the op, wait before You buy one,you will most likely find You don’t need one…
Who’s telling you? In 22+ years I’ve never used one and never felt the need. Be careful of being the “gadget guy”. Every gadget you bring out of your toolbox elevates your client’s expectations of what you’re going to do and find.
It’s also good to know if you have enough oxygen. Just sayin.
That combined with @mfellman is exactly where I was headed.
Maybe his boss requires it?
I’ll be a party pooper and return to the topic. I use a TIPI 775. It sniffs both gas and CO. It requires annual recalibration that costs between $35 and $100 plus shipping. I like them so much that I have two, so I always have one when one is being recalibrated.
But…these days the importance of sniffers is diminished. Modern 80% plus furnaces and boilers rarely throw off CO if vented properly. I find more gas fireplaces leaking CO than furnaces.
The human nose is more sensitive to smell gas than any combustible gas sniffer, but sniffers are useful in pinpointing a gas leak.
In New Jersey:
Section 13:40-15.17 - Mandatory tools and equipment
(a) All licensees shall, during the performance of a home inspection, be equipped with the following minimum tools and equipment:
11. Combustible gas leak detection equipment
Shoulda known. . . . Only in Jersey!