Condo Inspection - any tips?

I’m not very experienced in doing condos. I’m doing one later this week and looking for any tips in preparation. It’s on the 7th floor of a 9 story building. The building was built in 2004. New appliances. As for the HVAC, anything specific I should look for? Assuming the A/C compressor is on the roof, should I gain access to inspect the unit? Also, the dryer vent or hood vent… do you look for where they termination on the exterior? Anything specific on electrical? Thanks for any tips.

Do what you can and disclaim the common areas. Access to some areas might require the building engineer. Best to call first and try to locate speak to them before you inspect. It’s helpful to have a separate report template for condos.


The elec panel board will probably be a distribution panel and USUALLY the parts that the inspector looks at are from the paint in.

I also recommend:


  1. Walking property to determine if homeowners’ association is maintaining structures and property in a condition satisfactory to Client;
  2. Having qualified homeowners’ association personnel inspect all common area structural systems and mechanical components servicing this condominium, particularly, but not limited to, foundation, structure exterior, roof, and chimney;
  3. Acquiring homeowners’ association public records, minutes, bylaws, budget, etc., to help determine any consistent problems with common area grounds or components;
  4. Checking with homeowners’ association concerning Client’s responsibility and any fees, dues, or assessments which might be forthcoming.

I hope this helps. :smile:

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Be especially wary of the exterior cladding. You should walk all around the 7th floor condo to inspect those items. :rofl: :flushed: :joy:


Hey William,

If I could only inspect condos, I would be a happy man. You’ll need to figure out what type of HVAC you’re working with first. For a 9 floor building I would assume either a utility closet on the balconies, or a central system for the building with just the air handler located in the unit itself. I would contact the building maintenance while on site, to assist with finding the meter room for electric, and help locating the main water shut off if it proves tricky to find. You’re electric panel will be wired as a sub panel.

Thank you Daniel. Talking with building maintenance is a great idea, I will try and do that.

Hi Larry - thank you. What do you mean by “from the paint in”? … I was planning on still opening the panel - is that not typical for a condo?

William, from the paint in means everything to the exterior of the paint is the association’s responsibility. But, the association includes your buyer. It is usually done in the form os an assessment.

Yes, inspect the panel board…sorry for the confusion. :smile:


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7th floor?.. :thinking: :crazy_face:

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May be a good idea to become a bit more familiar with water source heat pump systems before the inspection as well. I would say it’s a 50% chance with a 9 floor building that it will be the system in use. Better to be prepared just in case!

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Just a few things I experienced on a recent condo inspection, water heater TPR drainage. Also the main disconnect for the electrical. This is from a second floor unit…

Also there was no main disconnect in the sub panel and the mains were at the meters. My unit was #201. There were twelve units in the building. Six meters on either side. My unit meter was on this side of the building. Tell me which one it is…

Just be ready…

:open_mouth: Thanks Thomas

Not that I have much experience myself but should William check for the a fire break truss in the attic.

Not on the 7th floor of a 9 story building. :smile:

Did you write it up, what did you say?

Water heater TPR drainage should drip on or in the vicinity of the doorman so he becomes aware of the needed repair. :wink:

what if there is no doorman? :thinking: :grin:

You’ll think of something, my friend. I know that, for sure. :smile:

But Larry, there are more issues! where is @tglaze, need to question him :slight_smile: