Crazy Birds

These are very large, a third one was also being built in attic over garage.


I think I see the needle.

Over the years, many inspectors have posted similiar photo’s of these (??) nest’s (??).

Has anyone “actually seen” the birds (or other) that creates these?? Most agree it’s birds, some have mentioned “rodents” and such, but… anyone have “photographic proof” of the culprits??? I personally have never seen anything like this… yet.

There actually a pair of large stork like birds that have been travelling around the country harassing various home inspectors.:mrgreen:

I should have expected the “conspiracy theory”! :wink:

There are birds droppings on the collar ties. I see this alot, had a small one this morning. Most of the time they are under the roof vents or gable vent. It appears they just push straw and grass through the vent year after year. That is why I call them CRAZY birds. Sometimes, I have found eggs and dead birds. This would make for a fast burning attic fire.

Have you been able to positively identify what type of birds? All same? Different? Unknown?

I keep telling you guys it is not birds, It is attic beavers gezz look at the beaver hut.

What kind of bird? a buzzard maybe. YOu could smuggle imagrants in that thing.

Sounds like “lock and load” # 6 bird shot in my 12 guage.

I see this same condition here in Hawaii, not quite that big however. The culprit here is the common mina bird. Have not been able to photograph them in the nest, but have seen them fly out. Avid nest builders. They just keep building all the time.

Mostly sparrows.

Interesting, as you and I are located not that far apart and we have sparrows up the wazoo here. Surprised I haven’t seen these here. Now, you wanna talk bats… we gots bats!!!


Those birds are busy as beavers.

Don’t want to spoil the fun but I think those are RAT nests. Take a close look a the photo, you’ll see the head and eye of the rat peaking out at me…… It took 5 bags to unload this nest!


Don’t want to spoil the fun but I think those birds are RAT nests. Take a close look a the photo, you’ll see the head and eye of the rat peaking out at me…… It took 5 bags to unload this nest!

Well i had one yesterday, doves where hanging out