OAHI should open their doors also. So should ASHI and everyone else, so that a balanced response would be possible withing OAHI, ASHI, etc.
Agree Claude…
The difference, John, is that OAHI and ASHI are not open to the public at all. NACHI is open for the public to view but not participate.
I liked your letter, by the way. You should see the one I wrote. You remember all those no-nothing reporters who got NACHI Certified? And the no-nachi blog? And Nick stating that an ex-member should be shot? And Nick stating that if CAHPI won't work with NACHI, Nick will make it his job to destroy CAHPI? And all the other insane postings on this forum by NACHI Chapter leaders such as Ewens and Bushfart over the past couple of years? Well, every single person who has any involvement whatsoever with home inspections in Canada is fully aware of the trouble Nick's company has caused south of the border. I'm talking scores of people you and your boss haven't even heard of yet. Like you said, it's important that all our Canadian stakeholders have a fair and balanced view. Word of advice, there was simply nothing to be gained and much to be lost (i.e. credibility) by lying about NACHI's membership numbers. Everyone up here is well aware that Nick's company is a few thousand short of the ten grand you claimed in your letter to Mr Fontana.
Originally Posted By: jbushart This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I hope Bottomly knows how much we appreciate all of the effort that he puts into spreading the word about NACHI. When they come here to check for themselves and find the truth, they usually join. He is a large part of our Canadian recruiting effort, I understand. Quite a significant contribution from a non-member, I’d say.
Originally Posted By: John Bowman This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Dave B. Writes: You remember all those no-nothing reporters who got NACHI Certified?
I'm not aware of a single one who became NACHI certified. Do your homework Dave, it takes more than a simple test to become a NACHI working or full member.
Dave B. Writes: And the no-nachi blog?
What blog..NACHI operated a no-nachi blog?? Now how stupid would that be. Don't believe I ever saw it. I did see a No-ASHI blog. I'm still laughing. I do remember hearing something about "Dragonetti" or something similar. Have any idea what that was all about. When I request a copy of your letter from Minister Fontana, I'll make sure I reference it and avail him to its usage.
Dave B. Writes: And Nick stating that an ex-member should be shot?
I remember that accusation. It wasn't quite that statement. I'm pretty positive that the word shot wasn't used, it didn't involve an ex-member, and the statement involved some of these. 
Dave B. Writes: And Nick stating that if CAHPI won't work with NACHI, Nick will make it his job to destroy CAHPI?
A tit for a tat, here Dave. Meaningless words. Words that are echoed throught the industry by everyone. Many times your Mr. Mullen has vowed the same destruction of NACHI and its Canadian presence.
Dave B. Writes: And all the other insane postings on this forum by NACHI Chapter leaders such as Ewens and Bushfart over the past couple of years?
Wow. Have you been stalking us for two years now. Where has the time gone.
Dave B. Writes: Well, every single person who has any involvement whatsoever with home inspections in Canada is fully aware of the trouble Nick's company has caused south of the border.
Interesting, but yet you can't seem to get the word about the National Initiative out to everyone. I'm impressed. Now use those same channels and do your job.
Dave B. Writes: I'm talking scores of people you and your boss haven't even heard of yet.
My wife could care less.
Dave B. Writes: Like you said, it's important that all our Canadian stakeholders have a fair and balanced view. Word of advice, there was simply nothing to be gained and much to be lost (i.e. credibility) by lying about NACHI's membership numbers. Everyone up here is well aware that Nick's company is a few thousand short of the ten grand you claimed in your letter to Mr Fontana.
Well Dave, problem is I can prove it. Can you?? It would be ridiculous to lie about simple numbers, wouldn't you think.
Looking forward to reading your letter to Mr. Fontana. Thanks for the offer.
Originally Posted By: rwand1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
-- Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (OAHI)