Does inspection slow down during winter

Originally Posted By: SBalen
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I live in minnesota and just getting ready to start doin inspection. I was wondering how much business drops during the winter months, or does it still stay somewhat steady. Just trying to figure out what to expect for the up coming winter.


Originally Posted By: rkulla
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I to live in Minnesota and it does slow down over the Holidays. I look forward to it picking up with the parade of homes starting. People are starting to get spring fever. Use this time for marketing. When realtors are busy the last thing they want to do is talk to us. Now is the time to set yourself up for the spring. Use it to your advantage. icon_wink.gif

Did you take any classes for home inspection?

Rex Kulla
Custom Home Inspections
Maple Grove, MN
(612) 799-3093

Originally Posted By: dvalley
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Here in Massachusetts, The HI business starts to slow down in November/December and picks up heavily in February. For those 3-4 lag months, I find myself studying various HI reference/code books and preparing my marketing materials.
I went from three Inspections a day down to 4-5 a week in the slow months. I am now back up to three Inspections a day, 6 days a week.

David Valley
MAB Member

Massachusetts Certified Home Inspections

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go."

Originally Posted By: djones
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Scott, I must say I give you a lot of credit…what I mean is that I only complete two inspections per day 5 days a week. I have tried doing three in the past and by the third one I was really ready to kill everyone involved. I find inspections to be really draining as I do the best inspection possible for my clients. I am not saying that you do not of course, but three a day six days a week would drive me back to drugs and alcohol.

Dan Jones

Originally Posted By: ekartal
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You wouldn't have time.

Erol Kartal

Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley
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I too did 3 per day six days at one time. I then began to despise houses, telephones, computers, printers, paper, clients, cars and just about everything else. I now just attempt to do 2 per day four days, and one Friday morning. Now I am back to just hating telephones icon_lol.gif

While in VA I found that business in Nov-Jan was off by about 10% from the rest of the year and that July was usually a little slower also as it is the biggest vacation month. Here in FL our busy season is from Oct. to May, but June -Sept are getting much busier as more and more people are finding out that being cold in the winter isn't much fun the older you get.

I must say, I don't miss re-scheduling inspections when roofs were snow covered, or doing phase inspections in twenty degree weather with 20mph winds. I know it's colder further north, that's why I moved further south!