Originally Posted By: bhendry This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Obsolete panel with multiple defects noted. Recommend upgrade of panel to modern standards and evaluation of system throughout by qualified licensed electrician for other necessary upgrades or repairs.
Originally Posted By: phinsperger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
2) Describe the function of the component
3) Describe the defect
4) How the defect will impact the client
5) How the defect should be corrected (note: this is different from speculating on solutions)
6) Who should correct the defect
7) When the defect should be corrected (amount of urgency)
The electricalpanelis outdated and improperly installed. It may not provide adequately protection from electrical fires or shock.Have the panel replacedby a licensed electricianbefore energizing the panel.
Let me know if you guys are getting sick of me posting this. 
Originally Posted By: jtedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
By the looks of the groove I would say that the wire is supposed to be on the right side, but the one one the lower left is not too good!!
The colors are interesting when posed in messages and seem to show that the subject has a flair for those who are different when they express themselves!
Jeffe's comment is the better way to go when not sure about the issues ....
Originally Posted By: roconnor This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I think you had it from the start … the panel is old, with apparent defects and deterioation. The panel should be evaluated and repaired as required, and consideration given to replacing the panel …
– Robert O’Connor, PE
Eagle Engineering ?
Eagle Eye Inspections ?
NACHI Education Committee
I am absolutely amazed sometimes by how much thought goes into doing things wrong