Financial accountability from CAHPI and OAHI

Questions are being asked once again about missing monies in CAHPI and CAHPI financial reports being withheld from members of OAHI.

These are very serious matters and have been going on for some time.

My concern is that CMHC is aware of these issues, the resultant legal suit that has been launched due to applicants for national cert. not receiving refunds when the program was cancelled by CAHPI.

With taxpayers providing funding via CMHC into CAHPI I personally and I am certain others who paid into CAHPI all these years are owed an explanation by CAHPI and CMHC.

As usual OAHI has not been forthcoming with very important information and I would go so far as to state OAHI has more to hide than it wants released to an ignorant membership who continually refuses to demand answers and accountability.

Who in CAHPI-OAHI is going to finally have the guts to come forward and blow the whistle?

And who at CMHC is going to do something about the irregularities.

Again its time for a full forensic audit of CAHPI and OAHI.

Thanks for the Info Raymond. Ray you and I have asked for this since we where OAHI members .
WE where so sure back then that some thing was wrong I asked for and said I would pay for a forensic audit .
The membership did nothing and has done nothing since . I now see some of the previous directors Of OAHI are now asking where did the money go .
Gee about 7 years ago I wonder why they could not see what You I and others saw and asked for their help.
I care less about OAHI but I do care about this industry and hope some how something happens to help the Canadian Home Inspection industry soon.

Have either of you asked CMHC these questions and what was the response? Several of us have asked the minister for CMHC and CMHC management, we were referred to our local MP and I have not received any response, why they insist on favouring one association to the detriment of the others. Roy maybe you as a member of InterNACHI could forward Ray’s concerns and your concerns to The Minister and the management of CMHC asking why they insist on supporting an organization that seems to be misbehaving.

Since I have not received a response when he wants my vote I know he will never respond when he is elected. Therefore I will not be voting for him unless?


Since about this time last year, CMHC and other government agencies have been removing support and even references about CAHPI from their documents and various websites. CAHPI National’s leaders last year decided to ignore their legal and ethical duties regarding the National Certification Program and attempted to cancel the program.

This did not go over well in many government offices. Subsequently, it was decided that they would no longer show support for any one or more associations, but would instead support and encourage the delivery of an independent national certification program which they helped develop… one with no accountability to any association.

So, your wishes for CAHPI’s exclusion have come true, thanks to several people who believe in an independant, viable, rigorous and fair national certification program.

Bill Mullen


Don’t hold your breath waiting for answers now that the election is on.

I suggest you contact, and Cc a member of your local press.

I think it would behoove inquiries to specifically ask why CMHC has not conducted an internal investigation and/or why not the RCMP has not been brought in considering federal funds have been used, and evidence suggests misappropriation of monies.

I have documentation which supports my assumptions from those that have been involved in the matter and who sat as reps and board members of CAHPI from an Ontario pov.

Mssr. Douglas Stewart
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Vice President of Planning and Policy
700 Montreal Road,
Ottawa, ON K1A 0P7

No longer show support?

What does this document imply?

If that is not an endorsement I don’t know what is!

CMHC has no business supporting anyone until such time as they investigate the missing monies, abuse and misappropriation of funds!

Sorry Bill you new about this problem and others for a long time When Ray , I and others complained .
We all where attacked by you and others and You Called many of us LIARS .
Well you have been part of the problem for years ,Trying to be Mr. innocent is wrong .
You had your chance and now try to show you are Mr. good guy is not going to work.
You and your self appointed group are late the train has left the station and many are still around who know the truth,


It is a well known fact and documented as to why I was removed from OAHI improperly and without due process and under a conspiracy for asking repeatedly about financial irregularities within OAHI. Very legitimate questions given what is being exposed.

This is exactly why current members are afraid to ask the tough questions, they know there will be retaliation by the clique that runs OAHI.

Very troubling given that OAHI has never and repeatedly refused to provide OAHI members CAHPI financials of which they are entitled.


What problem ?? The ‘problem’ I refer to happened last year. As usual, you don’t have a clue about what went on in hundreds of meetings.

You eternally confuse OAHI issues with CAHPI issues with NCA issues and they are not always intertwined.

You and Ray have never complained about the right stuff when it came to national matters. You ***** and chew about fabricated issues when there are real solid matters you could have helped with, but you chose to be sh$t disturbers instead of making positive contributions.

Carry on in your dream world, Roy.
Okay now, let’s see the Whistler stuff again :slight_smile:

Bill Mullen

Strange Bill you openly criticize CAHPI and their involvement with the National now but I and others didn’t hear you complaining or exposing the very questionable practice when they were transpiring.

You also had many opportunities to ask hard questions of OAHI at the AGMs and you sat there and said nothing, knowing full well that questions being asked by me and others where purposely and arrogantly put down. Those who asked the tough questions were routinely labelled as merde disturbers and targeted for retribution.

Bunk Bill you have for years said bad things about me and others ,
We have seen your BS and listened to you fanaticize for so long it is pathetic .
You used taxpayers money to try and promote your policies . You have refused to answer questions .
There has been three web sites Yours was one where information was traded and these all where shut down to limit information being posted . Now you use Nachi to post for all to see ,Shame on you.
You still try to blame others for your short coming and your refusal to answer questions .
So you now just wish to forget about the past and talk about last year .

What problem ?? The ‘problem’ I refer to happened last year. As usual, you don’t have a clue about what went on in hundreds of meetings. Bill why did you not share this info to our industry .

You eternally confuse OAHI issues with CAHPI issues with NCA issues and they are not always intertwined.
.Bill you where on both executive so you are responsible all the way.
Bill you do not even lie well .

You and Ray have never complained about the right stuff when it came to national matters.
.Nice try Bill but our posting are where most information came from .
This string is a perfect example if Raymond had not posted then no information would have come out

You ***** and chew about fabricated issues when there are real solid matters you could have helped with, but you chose to be sh$t disturbers instead of making positive contributions.
.We do not have to fabric any thing you Bill are the cause of this great continuing story.

Carry on in your dream world, Roy.
Okay now, let’s see the Whistler stuff again .
.Thanks Bill Whistler was just the start of costing a lot of money to many Homies and you are again fully responsible.

Bill Mullen

Bill is correct when he says;

I was told the very same thing by CMHC, but CMHC would not reveal why they are distancing themselves from CAHPI.

[FONT=Times New Roman][size=3]I think I saw a post earlier that said NACHI would be able to recognized as acceptable for the NCA…[/size][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][size=3] Is there and new info on this ???


InterNACHI is the NCA now. We took over the NCP.

This is an NHICC announcement. The NHICC has absolutely nothing to do with CAHPI or OAHI. CMHC supports and encourages the National Certification Program as long as it is independently and fairly delivered by a group adhering strictly to the guidelines developed through the CHIBO Initiative.
The NHICC so far is the only group that has committed to those guidelines.
Bill Mullen

And that, sir, is absolute bull****. You can’t ‘take over’ something that is an asset of the Government of Canada.

Bill Mullen

We (MICB) took over administration of the NCP.

It’s like many things; if it is stated often enough, and some people want to believe it, than it must be true! At least in their beliefs and value system. Whether it is or it is not, and whether or not, people have really invested time for the uncovering the real facts to support the claim.

The NCA is a committee of CAHPI National.

Therefor are you now claiming that you own and manage CAHPI and thus manage and control the NCA committee?

Or are you just toying with the folks about what is your real identity to your NCA?

If so, than perhaps you can help explain where the financials are buried, and why members that pay dues are not entitled to them.

Claude asks:

InterNACHI is a U.S. non-profit, Federally tax exempt org and so by Federal law must provide it’s 990 financial reports to anyone who wants them. Our CPA publishes them here on this message board, each May of each year for all to see.

The Master Inspector Certification Board, also a non-profit, Federally tax exempt org, did their taxes early this year and already published their 990s: