Claude Lawrenson wrote: You suggest that the police should have investigated. What evidence can you provide that it was not done?]
Are you telling us that during your reign Claude that you as Chair of the NCA and or the NCA Executive called in the RCMP or other police force to investigate and follow up on improprieties you allege and the theft of the NCH fees by CAHPI then?
Claude Lawrenson wrote: **How many lawyers that were consulted saw this as it would be more trouble than what it was worth? Afterall the legal fees to collect $80,000 or so of NCP money would cost more than that, particularly with a forensic audit.]
So, if this is the case why are you ******** about it? Why not let sleeping dogs lie? Why are you being antagonistic?
Claude Lawrenson wrote: **Remember the NCH/NCA was self-funded, and not one penny of CAHPI member dues were used for its operation.]
The NCA may have raised monies for the NCH, but it was wholly owned and backed by CAHPI. A dollar in CAHPI or the NCA is one in the same. They were NOT separate legal entities. By your accounts, you were the Chair of the NCA and you were in charge. You as Chair were in charge of ensuring the NCH fees were collected. You were in charge of ensuring monies spent by the NCH was done properly. You were in charge of safeguarding the assets (and monies) of the NCA.
Claude Lawrenson wrote: **Which bring this full circle back to now another example of who still continues to attack. I politely repond, and you still attack. Look in the mirror again! So your assumptions are once again - just that assumptions and not factual. Perhaps fine in theory, but certainly not cost effective for those that would be footing the bill for all of this to happen. You are also unfairly pointing fault at those that tried, rather than directing it that those that “managed and manipulated” and vetoed the process. By that time, the NCA was basically fired, and still controlled by guess who? The CAHPI appointees!]
Again, as Chair of the NCA did you or the Executive call in the RCMP or other police force to investigate and lay charges? If not, why not? Did you submitted a claim to the carrier of CAHPI’s Directors & Officers Liability insurance to recoup on behalf of the NCH’s the fees paid in by them? If not, why not? The only facts that you have presented appear to be banner waving after you were Chair of the NCA. You were in charge Claude, that’s what you keep telling us. It’s only after the fact that you blame CAHPI for closing you down. Geeze, on the Apprentice everyone knows that even Donald Trump fires the project manager if they failed at their task 
Claude Lawrenson wrote: **You are correct and saying the CAHPI officers and directors should be held accountable, which directly correlates to the discussion on that other “private” forum, that tidbits are copied from. Is that not the point being raised there?]
I think the Chair of the NCA and its Executive, Directors & Officers (if any) along with those in CAHPI should be held accountable. That is the point Claude. Why did you wait to be fired? You and your cohorts should have resigned if it was as serious as you say! I’ve seen no facts presented to suggest you and your team are exculpable. Only after the fact do you point fingers, which coincidentally coincides with the formation of the same crew starting up NHICC and it promotional association vehicle PHPIC to promote the overstated and vastly unrecognized NCH? Why would / should anyone give you (more) money?