Florida Ins. Roof Certification, and Pricing in General

LOL I like your award, I almost kept it.

I doubt it was my “first” one.


I knew MM had to be smoking a bong. That explains everything :smiley:

For you new guys, that is a TPR valve :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay John. We know ‘why’ he earned the trophy, but we don’t know the story of how/where he was presented with it. AWESOME!!! What does the plaque say?

It was delivered special delivery. When I return to the office if I remember I will read and post it.

Golden Meeker Award
Florida Insurance Inspectors
Chapter of InterNACHI

The chapter voted to give it to him

What’s a TPR valve? :shock:

TPR from what the Meeker has led me to understand is “this plumbing rocks”
And he should know, he is after all a GC and from what I have observed that stands for “generally confused”.

hu huhu hu.

Good one butthead. :roll:

I’m pretty sure
this question is how the award got started. :roll: