Friends, Americans, countrymen... lend me your ear

Instead of talking about how bloody his little ear wound was, Trump should have started his Convention speech with this joke. Being the victim of an assassination is dramatic enough, we all saw the blood. He would have been better off being endearing and strong by not mentioning it all, other than some humor.


Since it seems that this is no longer an INSPECTOR’s professional exchange blog, I guess I can also express political opinion: “Kamala been the Prosecutor, most likely will get the Convicted Criminal behind bars”… Yeeee!! :crazy_face:


We’re a “trade” association. Politics… which affects licensing, legislation, taxes, inflation, mortgage rates, business, etc is our main thing as it is for all trade associations. NAR, for example, spends tens of millions on political campaigns. I hired another lobbyist yesterday (press release comes out tomorrow).

That said, I think you are right. If she wins, it’s bad news for Trump (personally).

Fact of the matter is, he just can’t help himself. The man has no self control, zero nada zilch.


They will most likely try again. So many have committed treason and they know if he gets in they could be held accountable.

He’s not my cup of tea personally, he’s just good at being a president. That said, a bloody assassination attempt is dramatic enough. He didn’t need to add any commentary about “blood everywhere.” He’d have looked like such a badass if he cracked a joke and moved on to discussing the economy. Even wearing the bandage was a mistake, IMHO.


I think honoring Corey was a political requirement. However, I agree with you. While he was talking about the shooting, I wanted to fast forward because he was very self-absorbing.

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Let me get this straight. The man is almost killed a few days before. One man is killed and two others seriously injured and he should have joked about it? And honoring Corey was a political requirement. Some people have strange beliefs.

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Yes it was a requirement. He’s running for President and someone was killed while supporting him. If he didn’t honor Cory and acknowledge that tragedy he would have lost a significant amout of political good will.

You know him that well. When did you ever rub elbows with Trump? Fact is you just like retelling the liberal news talking points you have no first hand views.

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Neither can any Democrat on the face of the earth. They just can’t help lying about the border, immigration or the economy. It’s just to hard to admit what a complete and utter failure these last 4 years have been, yet the Dems want to blow skittles and candy canes up everyone’s arse and make it look like we aren’t paying 40% more for a bag of groceries. Anyone voting Democratic this time around is contributing to the downfall of this country. The Dems are not your fathers John Kennedy Democrats.


I agree, just like the Republicans are not your fathers Reagan or even Bush Republicans. They’re now MAGA of Trumps party.

Anyone voting for Trump is voting for a convicted felon who is a fascist. Even his VP pick once upon a time told the truth about Trump.

The Truth sucks if your a MAGA Trumper.

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When my clients use the “logic” your trying to display, I tell them this " All I can do is try to give out good information. What I cannot do is make you understand it" I do know this, When Trump was in office, Gas was just over $2.00 a gallon, a full basket of groceries was $300.00 and my business had it’s best years financially. Conversely, biden has damaged every area of my life including my business. You can blindly claim Biden is better than Trump, but it’s just another lie you’ve made yourself to believe. If it wasn’t for all of his Washington connections, you can bet your bottom dollar he and hunter would be in jail right now. Lastly, the only reason Trump was even tried in that New york was was because they used the ol" number 13 rules to even get a case against him. You should be afraid this happened because it now has become law of the land and anyone can be sent to prison.

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If you think Trump, Biden, or any other President has anything to do with the price of gas, groceries, the cost of a car, a house, the prime rate, etc. etc. etc., I’ve got some ocean front property in Ohio I’ll sell you real cheap.

In saying that, they all claim it’s their “policies” that gave us cheap gas or whatever, but the fact of the matter is they don’t control it any more than Putin does, and Saudi Arabia and OPEC have more control over gas prices than any President ever did. And this, even though the United States is now the largest producer of crude of any country on the planet. The fact of the matter is it all goes on the world market.

Gas was so cheap under Trump because many stopped driving during covid resulting in a flood of oil on the market. It’s all about supply and demand, not who’s President.

United States produces more crude oil than any country, ever



Well, I guess that depends on which conversation one is trying to win.

Biden said high gas prices were because of Putin. Then, he visited multiple countries, attempting to broker deals to lower prices. Then he went after our oil reserves, siphoning off 40%, (he is not refilling our strategic reserves). Now, his policies produce more oil than before. But the President can’t control pricing?

Then there is this fun. The dems don’t really mean it when they say it.

The former vice president and Democratic presidential candidate made the comment Friday after a New Hampshire environmental activist challenged him for accepting donations from the co-founder of liquified natural gas firm.

Biden denied the donor’s association to the fossil fuel industry before calling the young woman “kiddo” and taking her hand. He said, “I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you. I guarantee you. We’re going to end fossil fuel.”

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No, the President can’t control pricing of oil, gas, NG, food, the price of a car, etc. etc…

Then why did he go through so much effort to “control the price of gas” if he was powerless to do so?


I’m guessing that you’re talking about tapping the reserves. He tapped the reserve because Putin invaded a peaceful country killing tens of thousands of innocent men women and children in Ukraine, so Biden, and most every other civilized nation on the planet, banned the import of Russian oil in an attempt to stop the funding of the building of guns and bombs used to attack Ukraine.

Did it work? I don’t know, but I doubt it. If OPEC would open the spickets and let the oil flow at full tilt, I think it safe to say that the price at the pump would come down due to more supply, that, or a recession could also bring down the prices due to less demand.

That backfired! Incompetent policy…again.

And back to the topic, I do believe Presidents can make policy decisions or use diplomacy to affect gas prices.

Interestingly, the argument that Presidents cannot affect gas prices helps Biden in 2 ways. Trump can’t take credit for good prices, and Biden is not to blame for bad prices.

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