I’m confused. How do you figure out and prove that the glazing meets any of the standards listed? I get H as long as they have the wood cut and the anchors installed but the others I’m not too sure about. I assume the all of the others require some type of shutter system that can with stand the impact and it must have a label on it (Similar to exterior doors) stating that is meets the requirements. Correct?
I did but i found that part of the course very confusing. Thus the questions. I just finished going over that part of the course for the 4th time and still confused.
You need proof, that matches the definitions set on the form,
For A or E you have to prove
“Cyclic Pressure and Large Missile Impact”. For the HVHZ, systems must have either a Miami-Dade NOA
or FBC Approval marked “For Use in the HVHZ”.
Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance (NOA) 201, 202 and 203. (Large Missile - 9 lb.)
Florida Building Code Testing Application Standard (TAS) 201, 202 and 203. (Large Missile – 9 lb.)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E 1886 and ASTM E 1996. (Large Missile – 9 lb.)
Southern Standards Technical Document (SSTD) 12. (Large Missile – 9 lb.)
For Skylights Only: ASTM E 1886/E 1996. (Large Missile - 4.5 lb.)
For Garage Doors Only: ANSI/DASMA 115. (Large Missile – 9 lb.)
For B or F you must meet the requirements under B and prove it.
For C or G you must meet the requirements under C and prove it.
H is for plywood that meets the definition under H
I is for UN-identified shutters
for A, B or C All openings must be covered while the rest all Glazed openings must be covered.
J, K, and L are for when one or more glazed opening are no covered or plywood that does not meet the 2006 building code.