Ground Breaking Product?

Here’s one more teaser — your secret weapon is almost ready! I don’t want to give away too much info today, but we are planning on releasing part 1 of this never before seen product soon after this website update. We will launch a ground-breaking product that will have your agents doing flips while smiling! It’s a slam dunk and guaranteed to make your competitors squirm! I know mine will.

Have I missed something?

No, it’s coming…I’m attempting a patent pending on it before release. Agents that have seen it, love it. Closing attorneys will too! Reduce your Broker and agents’ Liability.

I just received a patent pending provision on our secret weapon we plan to announce soon! It will benefit any HG user that uses HG Services and uploads their report in the web presentation format.

It’s Interactive and it protects the agents, buyer and seller from each other in terms of liability and facilitates the post inspection process!

I have not had one agent I showed it to that didn’t think it was awesome!

Stay tuned

Hurry up.

Still tuned in.

I have about a 10 second attention span for teasers and hype. If it doesn’t materialize pretty quickly, it becomes much harder to get my attention in the future.

:roll: another day…


After things that I have seen and heard in the last week, I believe I know what it is, but I don’t want to spread incorrect rumors. I may need some hush money from HG.

Hopefully it doesn’t take as long as the iOS roll out.

HG merging with HIP? :mrgreen:

AAAAAAAHHHHHHH…please G-d no.:twisted:

Like Bob said … PLEASE no to merging HiP with our HG

I am definitely teasing, but not hype. I will deliver. We are making sure that agents in any state will feel like it works for them.

Not to much longer.

Its almost another month since we heard"not much longer" ???

This excited for ISG integration?

That’s my official guess.

Is that ISG or ISN?