Have you had to suffer throught a NACHI-unfriendly CE provider lately? Let us know.

Anyway… Home inspectors have one thing in common… they hate lawyers, lawsuits and sissies who file them. Detest of plaintiffs is inbred into every living inspector. When word got around that scumbag NAHI filed a suit against NACHI for causing their member to quit scumbag NAHI and switch to NACHI (as if we held guns to their member’s heads and made them jump ship :roll: )… their suit itself became a self-fulfilling prophecy. We picked up so many ex-NAHI members thanks to it.

I have no idea what is said ( comments made at association meetings. ) But I do no it was not NACHI talking about other associations .
I have only missed One NACHI meeting in Ontario.
I Chaired the first two in Ontario .
At the first one in Barrie some one started to say something with( AT OAHI ) .
I politely cut him off and said this is the first NACHI meeting in Canada and we are here to help all and not discuss any other associations.
I also have attended many in the USA and again I have not heard at any meeting as you say ( " bashing other associations ").
Have you attended any NACHI meetings or are you talking about other associations bashing NACHI.
This is second hand information but I did hear it from more then one person .
Apparently there was considerable discussion about NACHI at the last CAHPI/Ont conference.
This could what you are talking about can you confirm was there a discusion from the platform about NACHI .
I am led to believe the person who was doing the talking is one of the members of the National Certification?
I wonder if you are talking about things that are posted on the NACHI BB.
If that is the case when a true statement is posted then I would not call it Bashing then you might say how can I be sure its true , you tend to disput many things that are posted here as being incorrect but do not back your statements up with what you believe would be the correct information.
Roy Cooke… RHI… CAHPI-ON

Wouldn’t a member of OAHI who is an instructor who is lambasting NACHI be guilty of Conduct Unbecoming a Member? After all its a poor reflection when a known senior member of OAHI acting as an instructor in an OAHI recognized college uses his position to slander another organization?

Well Mr. Faux certainly made it known in his election platform what he thought of anyone outside of OAHI. By his very actions by making unfounded unsubstantiated allegations and imposing a fine without due process is indication of his malevolence towards Nachi members and his inability to intrepret the by-laws and the CAFE forum rules which he oversees. Nope no problem with him being objective, the only problem is he confuses objectivity with his subjectivism. I guess they need people in OAHI management who know how to be subjective. :wink:

Good point Raymond . I have been brought to task many times for
( Bashing OAHI ?). I have asked to please show me where I have said bad things about OAHI. I try to make sure I do not complain about OAHI . I know a lot of great Home inspectors there who have helped me a lot and some of the education I get there was great.
I leave my posts so people can go back and see what I have said.
Roy Cooke … RHI… CAHPI-ON…

Roy one is allowed to speak their mind and formulate an opinion based on what they know and what they have experienced and what has been told to them by others.

Sometimes the truth is to hard to handle for the politically correct and the naive. Pitty. The evidence corroborates what others are saying. When you hear this stuff from many sources its obvious there is truth involved.

So if you know than - simply why not send me a private email, as I suggested before - so the matter can be corrected.

Some NACHI bashing is a prelude to joining. Kind of like kicking a car’s tires before you buy it. This past year, some of our biggest critics joined us.

Thats because things get buried when hidden. When they are exposed the results are likely much more spectacular. Not only must justice be done it must appear to have been done. So far there is no appearance of justice anywhere in OAHI-CAHPI, as a matter of fact OAHI condones threats and two rule justice. Once again how can one member go around making threats and using OAHI assets in the process and found not to be conduct unbecoming? Yet someone who makes comments concerning finances, and other issues in a none threatening manner be subject to conduct unbecoming? It sure defies logic and it sure defies the by-laws. But power corrupts does it not? Besides we all know OAHI does not practice its own 10 day reply code. Its replies are absolutely outlandish considering there is not reply or weeks, and months for replies. Yes members must reply in 10 days but OAHI management can take its sweet time and use all sorts of excuse, such as “we are only volunteers.” Yes they got that right, but they also have paid employees to do the work so the excuse is weak.