Originally Posted By: rwills This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
"I am curious why, with a few die hard exceptions, aren't there more people defending NACHI? "
Well Ed, I obviously can't answer for anyone other than myself so I'll reply on my own behalf!
If you mean defending NACHI by hanging out on the BASHI board and having a never ending pi$$ing match with a predominantly pro ASHI group, then the answer is just a question! "What's the point?"
I joined the IN board roughly three years ago and even then it was nothing more than a HI org bashing match. I originally got caught up in this "waste of time" but quickly became to disgusted and disinterested in the game.
I still occasionally visit the board only to find that it has only become worse. For anyone to contend that the best way to defend their org is by ranting and bashing on a forum, either has too much time on their hands or, are naive enough to think it will accomplish something other than more disagreement.
As an experienced inspector residing in a state that requires membership in a HI org by law I will say this. After operating my own business going on four years, working as a sub-contractor home
inspector for two years prior to that, over 25 years of building experience, and over a thousand home inspections, I can state that I am one of many experienced inspectors that joined NACHI because it was more beneficial to us individually.
Home inspectors tend to have a lot of hands digging in their pockets and have to carefully decide where the profit goes if they want to earn a decent living. I also tend to give my all to whatever I affiliate myself with which is why I sit on several committees within my chosen group.
As I see it, NACHI is still in it's infancy and has a lot of growing to do. Actually I agree with some of the issues that the bashers continually hammer on and am constantly working for change. Others have touted that they have attempted to "fix" NACHI only to leave disgruntled because massive changes didn't transpire over night.
The braggers that think they know the inner workings of NACHI because they have befriended someone with access to the members only area, are only kidding themselves with wishful thinking. There are, and have been changes coming in the near future that I assure you that no one has access to but the developers, which are sure to drop some jaws and quiet the war drums. So you see, NACHI is being defended, just not in a foolish way.
Originally Posted By: mwiggs This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I agree with you as well. It is important that the bashing should stop because it is the responsibility of all of us to not only represent ourselves and our businesses in a professional manner but represent NACHI in the same way. I believe a mojority of those bashers are ASHI members. It is alright that they may disagree with one another on many issues, but NACHI has done wonderful things for my business and one of those is putting money in my pocket by client referrals online. I have the deepest respect for you guys (inspectors) because I get answers to questions I may have concerning inspection issues I run into. You are all a rare group of individuals willing to help others in need.
In some instances, it is better not to fight fire with fire, as far as these guys, we need to fight fire with water and wash them down with the truth that NACHI is a well repected organization. It would be best that we refrain from attacking ASHI and others. It is not worth the headache, nor is it worth my time. I am very busy and would rather take my kids to the park than worry about how another organizations are berating mine. If there is one thing I learned through this issue. I had two clients this month who asked if I was affiliated with ASHI. I answered no and one client said. " Good, this is the address to the home needing inspected." The other said, " They must be having problems in the organization because many inspectors are dropping out."
Originally Posted By: rcloyd This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I am too busy to worry about defending NACHI. I joined to market and promote my business. I could care less what is being said on other boards as I don’t visit them.
Originally Posted By: rmoore This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Bob Wills articulated my views very eloquently so I won?t repeat much of that. I still visit Inspection News regularly although my posting has become more sporadic over the last year as the ratio of technical or fun topics has sadly diminished in favor of the contentious, unpleasant organization bashing. It has, sadly, become a less friendly place to hang out and I can?t help but notice that some of the ?old-timers? whose knowledge I really valued no longer, or very rarely, post.
The same handful of ?gentlemen? seem to always start the threads Ed refers to, while another very small group cause them to continue ad nauseum. By now I?m well aware of the very fixed views of these ?usual suspects? and am positive that nothing other than total agreement will appease them.
I?m not one for bashing my head against a brick wall, so I refuse to participate. But, please don?t take my absence from those threads as consensus, surrender, or even apathy. It?s really simply boredom. To paraphrase Monty Python; saying ?yes it is?, ?no it?s not? is an argument, but it?s neither constructive or very entertaining. I would rather stick to the technical forums or have a little fun in the friendlier chat topics. While I won?t speak for others, I suspect many here feel the same way.
-- Richard Moore
Rest Assured Inspection Services
Seattle, WA
Originally Posted By: aslimack This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I agree with Richard. Bob W. nailed it. I do notice its the same characters over and over. They really do take away from what was best about the forum in the past. Too bad for Brian H. and the other hard working people who maintain the site and contribute to the meaningful posts. A handful of idiots have really driven it into the ground. I’d bet heavily that the majority of the visitors would welcome 8-10 of them leaving and not coming back.
Originally Posted By: jbushart This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Well, Ed, I think you have some pretty meaningful responses, here. Perhaps you can share this in a constructive way with those who can benefit by this information. Thanks for posting your question on this board and giving NACHI members a chance to respond in a less hostile environment.
Originally Posted By: rray This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
That's what they're really concerned about.
Other people have come to NACHI, tried to make changes, failed, and left. I do just the opposite. I continue to work within the system. I believe in NACHI, but I (and my legislative representatives) believe NACHI can be better. Therefore, I'm a member, and I work in the Members Only area to improve NACHI. Sometimes, my efforts fall on deaf ears. So be it. I know that. I understand it. I shall keep working to get some hearing aids for those folks. 
I'm the same way with politics. I'm a registered Republican and work within the party for inclusion, hoping for the ideas of Abraham Lincoln to come to the forefront of the Republic party again. Once all my work is done each year in the Republican party, I wind up voting for about 90% of the Democratic candidates.
Originally Posted By: vprimaky This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
As a fairly new NACHI member (2 years), I want to compliment all the peoples in that group. I used to belong to another “SHI” group, all I heard from them is how bad NACHI was to join, that they do not recommend that Home Inspectors joining NACHI. All I want to say is this, remember that when some one is talking bad about another group or another HI, it shows the type of caracter they are. As the saying goes: “What goes around comes around”.
Originally Posted By: cbottger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If there is one thing that I have learned in my 60 years.
If you are comfortable looking at the person in the mirror each morning what else is there.
Lets get on with the business at hand and have a little fun along the way.
-- Don't argue with an idiot someone watching may not be able to tell the difference.
Originally Posted By: dedwards This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If someone is spending that much time bashing this organization then obviously they don’t have much time to be doing home inspections and it just indicates that NACHI worries the hell out of them. We too have some that regularly come in and stir up a snit on this BB. Often it is underhanded and prissy in the manner in which they pretent to be big time NACHI supporter but the undercurrent of their posts are almost always negative and whiney. This is a great organization and it does a fantastic job of what it is designed to do. If you need to be constantly stroked and admired get a dog. As I have said before I suspect those people need to be the center of attention and routinely try to dominate any and all conversations regardless of topic or content.
Originally Posted By: dedwards This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
You deceide. I just think a lot of it is silly and non productive. If you are happy with your organization there is no need to run down the others unless they are somehow interferring with your ability to work. Some folks say NACHI isn’t doing enough or doing “it” right but never offer any constructive ideas but rather drone on endlessly with criticism and vague inuendo.
Originally Posted By: dbowers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
When I joined ashi there were 332 members and 706 candidates. That was a long time ago. When I joined the primary goal or mission was to promote and improve the home inspection industry.
To many long-time ashi members like myself, the goal in ashi today seems to be more like promoting and improving the industry as long as you belong to ashi.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Dan Bowers wrote:
To many long-time ashi members like myself, the goal in ashi today seems to be more like promoting and improving the industry as long as you belong to ashi.
Dan, that would be the preception of many inspectors who have found a home here. NACHI (I hope) continues to try to better all inspectors, by welcoming even none members to training events like chapter meeting and seminars.
Many also feel that Ashi has also chosen to ally itself with those businesses that feature strong ashi supporters and previous officers, to the detriment of both home inspectors and truely independent venors in our business.
We have never gone that route, all vendors and suppliers have equal access to our members and no-one is favored.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
You can not make their concerns, your concerns.
The sad part of the truth is that their are failing their fellow inspectors, with the likes of the branding campaign which will not benefit all inspectors.
The problems which they are complaining about, is typically the part of their association which they are unhappy with.
Elected representation for instance. If we would have elected representation, we would also probably have branding just like them.
You have to excuse them but since they have elected representation, they also have someone else doing their thinking for them. They also have someone else telling them what they are going to be doing, and how much they are going to pay for it.
He**, every time I hear branding and $1,000 a year membership dues...I just wanna run over their and join!