Hello east coast ...Dorian is headed your way

What are you all doing to prepare?

My wife just told me that U of F sent out a bulletin telling everyone to fill up there tanks and buy groceries…
And as of such Gainesville has already started running out of gas and food …
Talkin’ about sheeples…

From a frind of mine in Tampa…
" Went to Publix with my wife to stock in a few things…canned fruit, spam, doodah
Talking with worker there He brought out 19 pallets of bottled water this morning…all gone
All gone at Target, Home Depot, Lowes, All other Publix and local Winn Dixie.
Here gas went up 22 cents in last 2 days. Not only a gouge for Labor Day, but also Dorian "


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I am ready!

Hold on to your hat Marc and put hold downs on your house.

Stay as safe as you can and help those that can’t help themselves, please.

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No need to worry. Trump’s going to nuke it. All is good…:crazy_face:

Are you one of those assbit liberal democrats?
If so! You should have sopped up those tears years ago.
I truly feel sorry for you…Yep!
We will most likely have a big bunch of assbit democrats cashing in on several types of stress disorders…Yep!

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Not at all. Just going by what he said a few days ago. I knew that would get you up out of your chair.

Friggin’ Wawa is outa gas, Walmart is experiencing Christmas in August and every car that would start this morning is out on the road, buckle up stupid is coming… :rofl:

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This is the one time I will agree with you JB.

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We stocked water last week…before it was a named storm…

q⁰ filled up the gas cans and beer fridge yesterday :wink:

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Hopefully you stocked up on enough beer so you don’t run out of gas looking for more Dave. LOL:wink:


Just have to put the panels on in the am.
Got to the liquor store before the big rush today! :slight_smile:
And looking at the latest track…about 8:30 Tuesday morning…there will be a hurricane knocking at my front door!

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I’ll pray for you all down there.

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The primordial spiral

Has the world forgotten that a water filter and milk jugs is a LOT cheaper when you are doing disaster preparations?!?!?! Save the money and hassles.

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Fill the tubs up…Remember your water heater has a tank…

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Here is a good link…

Use a hose to get the water above the contaminated flood waters.

It would be nearly impossible for my home to get flood waters…
I always build on high ground.

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