Originally Posted By: dfrend This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have been asked by a Realtor that I have worked alot with recently to develop a presentation about home inspections to be given at a seminar for first time home buyers. It needs to be adaptable for all homeowners and it is not to be a presentation on ME. I am a fire service instructor and have experience with teaching and such. I am preparing a powerpoint slade show and want some content suggestions. When It is done, I will share it with members. So far my sections are: What a home inspection is, what a home inspection is not, reasons for a home inspection.
Originally Posted By: dfrend This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I am working on adding a space for NACHI logo and YOUR company info, so when this is done any member can take this and with a projector can educate agents as well to the importance of home inspections[/url]
Originally Posted By: rkulla This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Dan,
I would say to add some photos of issues that are in areas that realtors and buyers can’t see. Attic and roof issues, I have a good photo of fire rated sheetrock that was broken off the wall in an attic. It was in an attic in a townhouse / condo. The area was about 3’ x 4’. Let me know if you want it.
Originally Posted By: dfrend This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
That is the kind of thing I was thinking of for the Reasons section. Thats why I saved that for last. While I am at it if you folks would kindly post any “OH My GOD” pictures I can use to show them i t would be great.
Originally Posted By: dfrend This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Actually Gerry, if you could I would like your thoughts on this project. Nick said you were the guru for this type of thing. I didn’t really explain it well though.
Basically, This realtor gives an "educational" seminar, available to anyone, but mainly clients that have already approached her to buy. I have 20-30 minutes to "educate" home buyers, mostly first time, on why to have a home inspection. I am preparing a powerpoint presentation and accompaning lecture. This is not directly a marketing plan. However each of these clients are going to be refered to me when the time comes in their buying process and the thought is that they will remember my seminar and, hey, why look for someone else?
I want though to keep this as a "education" on home inspections, and not just a seminar for buyers. That way, I can add my logo to slides and the NACHI logo, and take it to realtors to talk to them as well. So I want to design it to meet the educational needs of clients and realtors. In this way, I want to design it so anyone on here could add their info and present it as well. Of course they need a projector, but those are much more common place and your local realty office might have one. I borrow mine from the fire training academy.
So Gerry, if you could throw me any thopughts or ideas I would appreciate it. I will email you the presentation I started if you want.
Originally Posted By: jedwards This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Here's an article from... well, another HI organization's web site that has some good stats that might make good background info for your introduction.
Originally Posted By: jrooff This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Maybe a short line on why the price of the Inspection is not a good thing to go cheap on, you get what you pay for type thing. Like a $99.00 inspection to check out what your going to live in for X amount of years or spend XXX thousands of dollars for this is not the place to go cheaper is better. Find a qualified inspector not a cheap one. It my help educate not only the buyers but the realtors also.