Originally Posted By: Daniel Keogh This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Bob Sign me up for BITCHI
I am a season roofer nd would be happy to answer any roofing questions thatany new mambrs have. It took me a wile to figure out how to get on to this mesage board, but now that I’m here I would be glade to help any new inspectors. Bring on te questions.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Wow, you mean I should be inspecting the roofs too!! You guys really are good. Do I really have to climb onto the roof to inspect it? I hate heights. :P What happens if you drop the camera while you are up there? Do you throw your own safety out the door and save the camera, or do you just watch it fall to the ground?
Careful this is a trick question. If you answer incorrectly I will forever label you NICK Jr. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have a question for you. I saw a roof that appeared to have a second layer of shingles because you could see 2 layers along the gable ends. Upon further investigation, the roof only had one layer but had two along the gable (like a starting course). What’s up with that? Just a homeowner goof?
P.S. Nice to have a professional roofer on board. We like the NAHI guys here.
Originally Posted By: rwills This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Dan, Consider yourself the newest BITCHI member of the Bored, I mean Board. Can you offer up any advice on Built-up-roofing, for example: How to determine it’s age, condition, maintenance tips, etc. I get a lot of flat roofs in Phila area, Thanks,Bob. P.S. I posted this question somewhere else but don’t know what happened to it, Sorry!
Originally Posted By: rwills This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
What happened to Dan? Still having trouble getting on the board? (just kidding). Joe, Are you serious? I could see inspecting BUR’s once a year but recoating once a year! Remind me never to buy a flat roofed home. Another question. Does anyone do a lot of these, if so, what’s your procedure? Most od them are hard to even reach because of either the facade in the front or SEC cables in the back. I have a 30’ ladder and still have difficulty…
Originally Posted By: Daniel Keogh This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’m Back
First I should say tha my expertise is most in steep sloped roofing. I would recomend to a buy that they inspect a flat roof once a year. Flat roofs are very tricky they can often fail with out any warning. I would choose the wording on my report very carefuly. You may find yourself buying an expensive roof repair. I Know, it just happened to me.
Nick the shingle you are see that is running up the rake edge is a starter shingle. Some roofers don't stop the sarter course at the gutter edge, They continue up the rake edge. They believe that by doing this they will get a straiter edge on the rake. Shingle manufacturers do not recomend this but I have never seen any damage caused by this technique.
I have seen experianced roofers get fooled by this starter shingle. Just look carefuly, if the bottom shingle is in a 3ft. section it can't be a course of shingles.
Originally Posted By: jremas This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Oh WEBMASTER Chris, I have my domain name now and will add you to my link page. You had an idea about getting onto a search engine for me. I think it was google.com. What are the less costly or free ways to get onto search engines? Please some detail if you can. Email me if you want to. Thanks for the help.
Originally Posted By: Chris Morrell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Adding yourself to google's search engine is free. Just go to http://www.google.com/addurl.html and submit your domain name (in your case "http://www.remasinspections.com") in the box marked "URL." Add any comments and keywords about your website in the box marked "Comments" and click "Add URL." This won't add you immediately to Google, but they should add you next time they crawl the web.
Originally Posted By: jremas This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have been working on my website using MS Publisher and convert it to a HTML. So far, so good but I would not want to do this everyday. Please give me some feedback on what I have done so far. I am an amateur, so just tell me about the content. I am happy with it so far. Thanks
Originally Posted By: Chris Morrell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I'd HIGHLY recommend NOT using publisher to create web pages. Publisher exports HTML files full of frames which are only viewable in the latest browsers. Macromedia Dreamweaver or Adobe GoLive! are your best bets if you don't want to actually learn HTML. Nick would say use FrontPage, but it also has many compatability issues, and your cable provider probably doesn't support FrontPage extensions which are required for FrontPage websites.
You might want to go to http://www.anybrowser.com and use their site viewer to see what your webpage looks like on different browsers. The "AnyBrowser Level iii" level is a good judgement on what your site looks like to the majority of web viewers out there.