Hey Nick


I just got this email:

No wonder why that employee no longer works here! :mrgreen:

Hey I have ASHI ID that anyone can purchase, also a fake Certificate. Its amazing what one can do with a Laser printer and software. So much for the theory of proctored exams.

Harris get with the times, you don’t need to be a p u s s y to fake entry anymore.

Get her a login, she could hang out on the NACHI message board and feast on an endless supply birdbrains. :smiley:

Russ… I’ll bring Tuxedo over Memorial week end when I’m going to Coronado, to meet Sophie for some hunting tips.
He’s a little slower than Bobbie, it took him 16 min to get “certified” ,
might cure whats ailing him as he’s been howling for the last few nites.:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Tuxedo Ferral:
You took NACHI’s online inspector examination on 06/08/2006 and finished with a score of 84. If you are still in the home inspection business, we would highly recommend that you subscribe to the NACHI online newsletter. In it you’ll learn about upcoming, free home inspection events near Exterior, US, get industry updates from NACHI, and more.

Another marketing tool we’re working on to get 1 year warranty inspections.

Geez Nick… You better get with the times… ASHI members have been doing this for many years…:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

dan, you should be embarrassed, you claim how easy the test is and how many times you take it using false names, yet you can only score an 83. You should take time off and get some more education.You could be a good inspector if you tried.

Nah… Tou-Lou from Alley AZ took it after Bobbie… He was embarrassed because he missed the radon questions and it took him 23 min to get 98 %

Nick hasn’t sent him an invitation to the convention yet… Hmmm is he afraid that Tou - Lou is too smart and will show up other NACHO " certified " inspectors :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Mr. Lott - you don’t have a dog in this fight. Dan has forgotten more than you’ll probably ever retain.

There were radon questions on the exam? Oooooops.

No doubt of that!

3 things amaze me about your reply 1) I thought I was the only one on your ignore list. 2) You don’t know anything about me, so you’re just speculating. 3) You’re taking up for Dan, who does nothing but attack Nick and nachi and who said I was comparing myself to dan. The point I was trying to get across to dan was that if he is going to try and humiliate Nick and nachi then he might be better off in his attempts if he had a score better than one that barely passed. I was being fececious Jeffrey.

Dan, aren’t you forgetting something?

One of those 2 exams your fool members have to take is an ethics exam. Dude, unethical inspectors cheat (they give the ethical answers). Meaningless.

The other of those exams is the Kindergarten NHIE which every inspector in the universe has the answers to. Meaningless.

The 5 verified reports to make sure they comply with SOP is as silly as silly gets. In this day and age where all reporting forms and software generate SOP-compliant reports, it is almost impossible to generate a non-compliant one. Meaningless again.

The 250 inspections are unsupervised. In other words they could be 250 horribly performed inspections with reports that comply with SOP. Meaningless again.

And this is your fool membership requirements? Obscene!

Your candidate or associate or whatever your bogus association is calling all your newbies this week in an effort to hide their total lack of qualifications from poor consumers is even worse… just send a check and shazam! You is be an inspecta!

Face it… you belong to a no-entrance-requirement-whatsoever diploma mill society that encourages its unqualified newbies to go out and screw over 250 unsuspecting consumers as the only way to achieve fool membership. Look at their dipoloma mill, just send us $$$ application: http://www.ashi.org/inspectors/join/associate_application.pdf It’s pathetic.

Join a real association: www.nachi.org/rigorous2006.htm

I saw your post quoted in this post http://www.nachi.org/forum/showpost.php?p=201499&postcount=27

I took you off my “ignore” list long enough to see your response, but you’ll be back shortly, I’m sure.

I can simply compare contributions by you against those by Dan. That tells me enough, but there’s certainly much more than that.

I make it a point to learn things (both directly and indirectly) about successful inspectors. Like it or not, Dan falls into that catagory. It might be to your advantage to learn a little about him yourself.

Dan is a “detractor.” Is that a bad thing? Detractors are an important part of any “Society,” “Organization,” “Association,” or whatever. It doesn’t matter whether you think his points are valid or not.

Without detractors, the “leader(s)” can simply run off a cliff and the herd will follow. Detractors force us to see “outside the box” and (like it or not) shift the direction or change the momentum of any “movement.”

It also forces the leader(s) (like it or not) to change their position in order to stay in front of the “herd.”

Fececious = Playfully jocular; humorous

Really? I saw no humor in your attack, but I could be wrong.

The main thing “Dan has forgotten” is his responsibilty to the industry. If he really is a good inspector, he would not be financially supporting the known diploma mill that he does. His money goes to supporting ASHI, a group that terrorizes the public by encouraging its unqualified newbies (including a blind great grandmother) to go out and perform 250 actual fee-paid inspections for unsuspecting consumers and then publicly admits it changed the name of these consumer-killing inspector wannabies from “candidate” to “associate” to hide their total lack of entrance requirements from the public, while all along making absolutely no other change, adding no education requirement, no exams, not even a quiz. Shame on them and all who write them checks… Dan Harris included.

And I would like to add that regardless of his feelings toward anyone, he should not do things to hurt other inspectors, just to get his jollys. His post do no good at all!

Actually, according to dictionary.com,

However, fa·ce·tious: 1. not meant to be taken seriously or literally: a facetious remark. 2. amusing; humorous. 3. lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous: a facetious person.

After all, grammar and spelling counts a little at least! (And yes Jeff, I know you were just quoting an unnamed fellow!) :cool:

Yes, I were :wink:

Dan, aren’t you forgetting something?

One of those 2 exams your fool members have to take is an ethics exam. Dude, unethical inspectors cheat (they give the ethical answers). Meaningless.

Hmmm. Reading posts on this BB open to the public by your ethics committe members it might help them to take the same exam:roll: :roll:

The other of those exams is the Kindergarten NHIE which every inspector in the universe has the answers to. Meaningless.
Meaningless:roll: :roll: Hmmmmm… By whose standards? Are 20 plus states wrong by requireing this basic entry test as a lic. requirement…
How many states accept the nachi online quiz??

I’ll retact all negitave comments about your on line quiz when someone shows me proof that an inspector took and passed the NHIE in 14 min or less :roll: :roll:

The 5 verified reports to make sure they comply with SOP is as silly as silly gets. In this day and age where all reporting forms and software generate SOP-compliant reports, it is almost impossible to generate a non-compliant one. Meaningless again.

Where do you get your information? Soft ware venders?
I can assure you after reviewing over 150 new inspectors reports not one of them met the standards including my first few reports] unless they had their report reviewed by an experenced inspector prior to submitting it for review for state licensing.
The reports that came closest to meeting standards were check list types that had required items listed for the inspector to check.

Wanta have a little fun… Join me in reviewing some of NACHI newly certified inspectors sample reports… It’s a kick:p :stuck_out_tongue: …The ones that claim ASHI members suck or what ever else, claim they are superior to ASHI members on their site due to taking your non verified quizes and other worthless non verified BS, claim they started in business because they were screwed over by an ASHI inspector, are the one that don’t come close to meeting anybodys standards.:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

The 250 inspections are unsupervised. In other words they could be 250 horribly performed inspections with reports that comply with SOP. Meaningless again.

Since when are NACHI members inspections supervised and reports verified that they meet the SOP prior you marketing them as " certified " to the public??? :roll:


What is your point? You do have a point don’t you? All I read is how you or someone fudged a test. So what! The Cat won’t ever perform an inspection, and you can’t prove that because someone gained entry fraudulently that any Nachi inspector is inferior, negligent, or remiss as a result. That makes your assessment neutralized, and quite frankly given the ease to make false documents, applying as a Cat and taking the test is even more juvenile. It proves nothing other than the fact you applied as a cat.



from EBPHI’ own website.

Again, not my words… theirs. Don’t shoot the messenger.

And ASHI’s no-entrance-requirements-whatsover, just send $ and shazam application is straight from ashi.org. Again, not my words… theirs. Don’t shoot the messenger.

Both NHIE (minimum standard) and ASHI (no standandards) are dumping inspectors by the thousands into our markets. Minum standard licensing pushed by dumb ASHI members (Tampa Bay ASHI excepted) is harming us and consumers too.